Plant Medicine Ceremonies
Sacred plant medicine retreats and ceremonies
Our Sacred Master Teacher Plant Medicine retreats take place in an authentic farmhouse close to Amsterdam, in a beautiful natural spot, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. We find it essential that you, the participant, feel at ease and can be yourself. That is why we do our utmost (to) create a warm, open and safe atmosphere, where everyone feels seen and heard, and where there is also room for the occasional appropriate dose of humour.
Plant Medicine ceremonies: "Set en Setting"
Participating in an Sacred Plant Medicine ceremony can be quite exciting. It is therefore very important, for the best possible course of your journey and process, that everyone feels safe, relaxed and supported from the start.
Our Sacred Plant Medicine ceremonies take place within a warm and judgement-free setting all participants are professionally assisted by a team of experienced, knowledgeable and above all empathetic facilitators - loving people, who offer each participant (personal/individual) attention, when needed.
Set and setting are scientifically proven essential elements for a safe and optimal experience, while working with entheogens like the Ayahuasca Caapi vine. The Set refers to the participant's internal world, such as their emotional and mental state; the Setting refers to the external environment.
In our Sacred Plant Medicine like the Ayahuasca Caapi vine ceremonies, we try to influence the Set and Setting in a casual yet as positive way as possible.
- We decorate the ceremony room with loving attention, with atmospheric lights, beautiful decorations and traditional objects and instruments.
- Our expert and compassionate facilitators are there for you, with all their attention and expertise, to support you during your journey and your personal process.
- Before and during the ceremony, we perform traditional and modern rituals to energetically cleanse your body and environment.
- With our experience and knowledge, we determine, together with you, which amount of Plant Medicine is most appropriate for you at that moment.
- We inform each participant clearly and distinctly which Plant Medicine we will be working with.
- Your experience during the journey is enriched by beautiful and highly varied music, which is completely attuned to the unique energy of the group process.
- Outside the ceremonies, we are there for you too. We prioritise a safe haven to share your personal experiences and feelings with us for example during the Sharing Circles.
- If necessary, we offer initial aftercare in the days after the ceremony, to optimally support your process of integration.
- If you need more support, we can offer you additional help, at extra cost, in the form of individual therapeutic sessions.

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks inside awakens"

Plant Medicines & Music

Music has always played a crucial role in the use of and work with psychedelics and entheogens. During the ceremonial application of these drugs, and other forms of psychedelic therapy, music can be seen as part of the setting. According to indigenous healers, it acts as a sacred vehicle to unconscious realms. This is why they have developed specific music for their way of working with Sacred Plant medicines such as the Ayahuasca Caapi vine. In Peru, for instance, ayahuasqueros, curanderos and curanderas (Plant Medicine shamans) sing sacred songs called icaros.
There is also increasing scientific evidence that sound and music can have a healing effect on body and mind. Also, these days we see an increase in the offer of, for example, gong baths and sessions with singing bowls. Music and sound are also often combined with yoga, meditation, breathwork and dance, with ecstatic dance as a textbook example.
Since the early 1990s, Ronald has gained a lot of experience as an electronic dance DJ in matching music to the atmosphere on the dance floor, and creating a musical story with a clear progression, from beginning to middle to end. In therapeutic and shamanic work with Plant Medicines and other entheogens, it is important that the emotional arc of the music corresponds to the different stages of the experience: onset, rise, peak, and return to mainstream consciousness. Over the past 12 years, Ronald has built up a very diverse collection of music, and matched it perfectly to the different stages of a journey with Plant Medicine and Ayahuasca Caapi vine.
In keeping with traditional shamanic settings, live music will also be performed. This includes chanting, singing, use of rattles, hang drums, shaman drums, traditional "Native American Flutes" and more. The choice of music follows the energy and trajectory of the Plant Medicine, and the specific needs of the participants at that time. Therefore, the music is selected on the spot and no standard playlists are used.
At Sattvaya, we believe that a unique experience goes hand in hand with a unique musical accompaniment.
More about Plant Medicine Ceremonies
Here is the program for Friday, on Saturday we have a sharing in the morning and then a hot lunch followed by a few hours of free time and rest. The rest of the program is then the same.
FIRST SHARING On Friday, you will arrive and our team will be waiting for you with a nice cup of tea. You will then have time to put your gear somewhere and get to know the other participants. Once everyone has arrived, we will do our first short introduction and sharing round. During this round we will also give a short explanation about the weekend, the ceremonies and about the plants. After that, we will have another hour of free time to prepare for the next part: the ceremony.
BEGIN The ceremony will begin with a short exercise of bodywork. To briefly balance and ground the energy.
SMUDGEN Then we will start with the smudge round, purifying and cleaning the space and you as a participant.
OPENING CIRCLE Then we will open the Sacred Circle ceremony together in a circle.
SERVING Then we will start serving tea. We will drink two cups per round. And we will do two rounds. As mentioned earlier, we can adjust the dosage in consultation with you according to your desire at that moment. You can also put your trust in us and we will serve what we feel is the right dosage for you.
THE TRAVEL After drinking the last cup, sit or lie on your mattress and try to relax. Light meditative soothing music will also be played. After half an hour, the effects come on slowly. This can sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable at first and cause restlessness. It is best to just go along with it. The effects will increase in intensity from then on. Listen to the music, follow your breath and let yourself be carried along in your journey like the flow of a river. Observe and be curious.
NTENTION At some moments, when you get into a wild stream of thoughts, images memories etc, it is useful to ask the master plants and mother Ayahuasca what exactly they want to tell you. An intention comes in handy then, because it gives you a focus. That's why we advise you to set an intention.
AID DURING YOUR TRIP If you do find it difficult, you can always ask for help. A facilitator may also come forward to support you in your journey and process.
CLOSE CIRCLE / FRUIT SOAP AND BREAD After about six hours we will close the Sacred Circle and there will be time to eat something (fruit salad, soup and bread with toppings) and possibly talk. Music will remain in the ceremony room until everyone is completely out of their process.
The next day you can share the experience with us and the group during our Sharing Circle
Plant Medicine is a wonderfully beautiful but you never know beforehand where it will take you. That's why many people find it quite exciting to go on a ceremony. It's like going on an adventurous journey into unknown territory. This is why proper preparation is a must. For our part, we will do everything we can to make you feel comfortable and, above all, safe enough to embark on the journey. During the trip, we will be there to guide you and, if necessary, help you navigate.
We dose initially, in agreement with you, on our feelings. It is therefore important that you give us clear information.
But we also have the possibility to adjust your dosage to your wishes. If you find it quite exciting and feel a bit of fear, we can simply start with a small dose and possibly build it up over the course of the ceremony.
The Banisteriopis Caapi vine Ayahuasca is considered the Mother of Medicinal Plants because of its beautiful healing properties. This plant is a heart medicine and without the addition of the other plants will not bring the deep and sometimes intense visionary experience but will be healing.
The journey takes about 3 hours on average the ceremony will therefore take about 6 to 7 hours. Some people continue to travel after the circle has closed That's totally fine. we stay present just as long until everyone is out of their journey.
There are always enough facilitators and guiders to assist everyone during the ceremony. Experience shows that at least one attendant for every 3 participants is enough. You can always ask for help during the ceremony. A facilitator may also come forward to assist you in your process.

Plant Medicine reviews & experiences
"I could have never expected a better setting, so safe and loving. Surrendering was possible thanks to all the help that I received which I’m eternally grateful for. The music was magical, the vibe, the singing and dancing, the sharing circles – all had a massive. positive impact on my experience."

"I deeply appreciated the loving care we received from the facilitators of the group and Ronald’s wisdom, skill and reverence for the sacredness of the plant spirits, creating a safe container where magic can happen. The music was also perfect and very inspiring in my inner journey, I will keep it in my heart forever"

"Ik overdrijf absoluut niet als ik zeg dat naar deze retraite gaan het beste was wat me ooit is overkomen! De muziek en de steun van de begeleiders was veel meer dan ik ooit had kunnen dromen en maakte het voor mij relatief gemakkelijk om me over te geven. Ik probeer aan iets negatiefs te denken, maar ik kan het gewoon niet! 10/10."

"Thank you so much to all of you that held such a nourishing, safe and creative space for my first ever Sacred Plants experience. It was a beautiful struggle at points but I felt truly secure to surrender into the journey and attune to my process and intention. I felt so much love, universal love and a very deep connection to myself and loved ones."