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Reviews & Ervaringen

sattvaya ayahuasca ceremonie ervaringen

Ayahuasca reviews en ervaringen

Op deze pagina vindt je de verhalen en plantmedicijn ayhuasca ervaringen van deelnemers die bij ons zijn geweest en die we met hun toestemming hebben geplaatst. Onze deelnemers willen graag hun ayahuasca ervaringen met jou delen. Zodat jij de juiste keuze kan maken waar te reizen met de magische helende planten. 


sattvaya ayakasha om mij ayahuasca reviews
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

The care and professionalism of everyone is super impressive!

I’ve just returned from a weekend with Ronald, Yoka and the rest of the Sattvaya team. This has been an amazing retreat and thanks to Ronald and Yoka I have learnt so much about myself and made some incredible discoveries.

The retreat started with a warm welcome from Ronald and Yoka and introductions to the others in our group for the weekend. Everything was explained in detail about how our time would be spent and when the ceremonies were. My fellow seekers of light were an absolutely incredible group of people full of love and kindness. We were supported by Costanza and Juan who sang and played some awesome music to help us with our journeys.

This is the first retreat I’ve done and the care and professionalism of everyone is super impressive and I want to thank you all so much, big love


Augustus/September 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Bart (handpan), Constanza & Juan (live music & singing)

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

A life-changing experience - I was born again!

I came with curiosity, I left with a life-changing experience, a gift that cannot be un-given and forgotten anymore. Ronald, Yoka & the amazing Facilitators help me (us) go through this journey with much love, giving the feeling of safety that allowed me to let go and dive in.

The Medicine helped me to feel deep love and acceptance as being a child of this Earth, showed me how important my family is to me, and that I am strong enough as a husband and father to provide for it - as my father was. The soulful music took to me beautiful places inside, and I processed my fear of abandonment of a child being thrown into this world at birth - I was born again!

And all of this with other travelers around me, making this experience full of connectedness and a sense of being part of something bigger that we all share. As many of us said: words can hardly describe what we felt.

I am so grateful, thank you!


Augustus/September 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Bart (handpan), Constanza & Juan (live music & singing)

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

A warm and comfortable yet professional Team

Simply said: what a great journey! The truly warm and comfortable yet professional Team provided great guidance and care. The goosebump music played and performed made the ceremony complete.

The ceremony left a strong imprint in the first week, before (unfortunately) several positive insights gathered and even behavioural changes started to fade off. I feel it is pretty hard to keep the positive learnings in practice, but staying tuned as much as I can.

Thanks to the lovely team. AHO Tony


Augustus 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

I felt comfortable, and I could easily surrender

This was my second time at Sattvaya, and my experience was again very good. I felt comfortable, and I could easily surrender to the medicine. The team is professional, and it is the ideal place to work on yourself. When the time comes, I will definitely come back. AHO.


Augustus 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Mia

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ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Lovely experience with beautiful music

I enjoyed the ceremony. I didn't know what the expect. Information we received prior was very helpful and helped to get in to the atmosphere. Lovely ceremony with great support of the team. Lovely experience with beautiful music. Gained quite some new insights.


Juni 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Words can barely describe what this all is

It was my 3rd but not last weekend with Sattvaya. It is the most profound way to connect with my inner wisdom and activate it for the time after the ceremony. The lovely care from all of the team, the kind guidance, the amazing music, the tasteful food - it all makes the experience super special. And words can barely describe what this all is and was. I will come back for sure and for now I am beyond grate- & thankful to have found such a mindful space.


Juni 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

I felt safe and in good hands!

I had wanted to try Ayahuasca for about 8 years now. Ever since I heard about Dr. Gabor Mate and the incredible work he has done with trauma patients. The experience with the Sattvaya Team was something special by itself.

An incredible group of people who demonstrated a lot of heart and soul into what they are doing. I felt safe and in good hands during the whole weekend. I can’t make any of my family members and loved ones take Ayahuasca, but if anybody has interest in having a well composed ceremony I would definitely recommend Sattvaya. With psychedelics Set and Setting are very important and the Sattvaya Team paid great attention to both. Oh yeah, and the music with live instruments and sounds makes it all even better.

Thank you very much for the humbling experience. Peace 528hz and Love 432hz.


Juni 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Een fantastisch weekend in een fijne, veilige en ontspannen sfeer

Voor de 4e keer ayahuasca gedronken waarvan drie weekenden bij Sattvaya.

Wederom een fantastisch weekend gehad. Het is voor mij een weekend wat energie geeft en voel me opgefrist en schoon als ik thuis kom. Het geeft me iedere keer weer inzichten en frisse energie waardoor ik op persoonlijk en zakelijk vlak dicht bij mezelf kan blijven, steeds meer helderheid in wat ik wil en ook actie onderneem.

De ceremonie wordt geleid door een een team met wat bestaat uit professionele en voldoende begeleiders. Die er voor je zijn en helpen wanneer je wil, goed aanvoelen wat er nodig is. En creëren een fijne, veilige en ontspannen sfeer, lekker en gezonde maaltijden voor een fantastisch weekend. De locatie is ook geweldig, mooie ruimtes en in een mooie omgeving.

Het heeft mij persoonlijk veel gebracht. Als je de behoefte voelt om ayahuasca te drinken dan is een weekend bij Sattvaya perfect! Tot de volgende keer!


Juni 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Kim

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ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

The care and attention was more than I could have dreamed of.

Firstly the music was exceptional. The care and attention to providing a safe, kind and loving space was more than I could have dreamed of. For a person on their first Ayahuasca journey, I wasn't anxious at all. Every guide was fantastic, each bought a different style of care which created a whole and beautiful experience.

I had a beautiful trip and the after effects have been totally life changing. I am mindful of every things, my feeling of oneness and love infuses everything I touch, observe, interact with and consume. My life and perspective with this unconditional love is the purest peace I have ever known.

So thank you. infinitely.


Juni 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Time to forgive and forget and allow my self to move on

Well where do I begin this time. This was my 6th weekend retreat at Sattvaya healing and my hardest retreat to date but most beneficial for my development in life. I had lots to release from my past as I was carrying so much of my ancestors/ family members burdens / excess baggage. Well this time I had so much traumuas to release and l got so lost along the way that I could not have got it all out if it was not for the expertise from Yoka and Ronald as they knew exactly what I had to do and ask for when in my process. For me it was time to forgive and forget and allow my self to move on. The key for me was forgiveness. I would say that I have had full body and mind release from pass traumas.

Forgiveness is the key.✨️🙏🍀🤍😌


Juni 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

The Caapi takes you to the deepest levels of the subconscious

The experience is just incredible each time. The settings, music, and the support and love is just next level, definitely the best place in Netherlands to do Ayahuasca by far. Also, especially being in the middle of nature it makes the experience so much better and authentic.

The brew especially the caapi brew is just next level and can take you to the deepest levels of the subconscious, I feel like the mimosa prepares you, and the caapi brew just breaks through to a whole new level which is the best way as it allows you to get prepared on the first day and then journey deep on the second day. The experience showed me both the love and light, but it also took me deep in the shadow and although it was frightening at times, I feel like it's important for growth and allows you to face it.

Just wanted to thank Ronald, Yoka and the rest of the team for the amazing experience. Looking forward to doing it again in the future.


Juni 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Een diepe transformatie en prachtig geschenk

Ik kan me geen betere plek voorstellen voor mijn eerste kennismaking met plantmedicijn. Alles was zo zorgzaam en professioneel begeleid en voorbereid. Wat een mooie balans tussen absolute veiligheid enerzijds en dat vriendelijke 'duwtje in de rug' anderzijds. Het feit dat er een mooi tapijt werd geweven met de muziek (ook live) heeft me enorm geholpen gedurende mijn reis.

Ik kan, denk ik, voel ik, nog heel lang verder met deze ervaring. Het voelt als een diepe transformatie die ik, als een prachtig geschenk, op mijn eigen tempo verder mag uitpakken. Ik voel me heel dankbaar en open.


Juni 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Ik voelde me volledig op mijn gemak, vol vertrouwen

Deze retraite meemaken was best spannend voor mij bij aanvang, maar ik was nieuwsgierig en het leek me het allerbeste moment in mijn leven om dit te doen. Verwachtingen had ik niet echt, ik voelde me eerder ontvankelijk voor wat zou komen, open voor de uitwisseling met de natuur, de planten, de wijsheid van de natuur en dus ook die in mezelf.

De informatie op de website, de vragenlijsten en het telefoontje vooraf gaven me al veel vertrouwen in Ronald en Yoka en hun team. Ik voelde me open en ontvankelijk voor wat deze reis me zou kunnen brengen. Hoe het allemaal voor mij verliep kan ik hier moeilijk in woorden omschrijven, maar wat ik hier graag wil meegeven, is hoe uitmuntend en indrukwekkend alles was, zeker de betrouwbare, veilige en verbindende sfeer die gecreëerd werd. De prachtige muziek, de aandacht voor iedereen, de zorg, de evidentie waarmee alles in een bad van liefde gedragen werd, de schoonheid waarin alles baadde, de live muziek en het zingen, de steun en zorg die heel afgestemd was, zoveel als nodig en niets teveel. Je wordt deel van een groep en gaat in verbinding dankzij de rituelen en de deelcirkels, maar je hebt ook alle vrijheid om dicht bij jezelf te blijven, jouw rei te maken en je niet te verliezen in zorg voor elkaar. Het leek wel of de begeleiders ogen op hun rug hadden en voelsprieten over hun hele lichaam.

Ik voelde me volledig op mijn gemak, vol vertrouwen. Dat alles heeft zeker gemaakt dat ik tot een grote overgave kon komen in de reis die ik maakte naar binnen. Ik weet nog niet wanneer, maar als ik terug op reis wil, zal het wel terug bij jullie zijn!

Namaste. M.


Juni 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Herman & Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

 Immensely grateful

Another incredible, life changing, emotional and healing journey. This was my 2nd ceremony at Sattvaya and I have felt really cared for and safe with everyone on the team. I feel as if I’m many pound's lighter energetically and I could give myself the space to release a lot of my old trauma’s and (generational) pain.

The spiritual journey and lesson's mama Ayahuasca has given me, is one I can only be immensely grateful for. Thank you again, team Sattvaya for holding space and with so much love and care 🤎 AHO!


Mei 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Mariana & Mia

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ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Fantastic music and loving and comfortable environment

Really enjoyed my time and experience. Was such a loving and comfortable environment and grew into a nice little family. I do miss the feeling I had during my time there. The music throughout the ceremonies were fantastic and listening back to it now does take me back there. During the ceremony I felt I learnt so much about myself and patterns of behaviour I have been running in my life. Whether I change these is something else but I have a much greater understanding of myself now. Thank you x


Mei 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Mariana & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Een epische ervaring!

Wat een intens mooie ervaring! De begeleiding vond ik vanaf het begin (voorafgaand aan de ceremonie al) super goed. Hierdoor was ik erg gerustgesteld en kon ik mij helemaal aan het proces overgeven. Mijn intentie was 'heel mijn hart, heel mijn lichaam en kom thuis bij mezelf'. Eenmaal in de ceremonie merkte ik dat ik ontzettend veel aan het voelen was. Ik begreep dat de sleutel tot het helen van mijn hart en mijn lichaam was dat ik mijn gevoel moest doorvoelen. Ik realiseerde me dat ik in het dagelijks leven denk te voelen. Maar ondertussen wordt ik steeds afgeleid door werk, alcohol, sporten etc. Wat ik in de ceremonie meemaakte was pas echt voelen! Hoewel het een heel intens proces was, kijk ik er zo ontzettend positief op terug en dat komt echt door het team van Sattvaya. De kennis en kunde maar ook de liefde, het plezier en de humor die zij hebben heeft hiervoor gezorgd. En dan heb ik het nog niet gehad over de muziek die gemaakt wordt welke echt grandioos is. Er is ontzettend goed over nagedacht en draagt absoluut bij aan de totale beleving. Al met al een epische ervaring en voor herhaling vatbaar. Ik heb jullie in mijn hart gesloten lieve Ronald, Yoka, Arief, Marianna en Kim.

Liefs Eva


April 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Mariana & Kim

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ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

A little heaven on Earth

What a gift to myself! I enjoyed every second of this journey. The setting, the team, the other participants,... This weekend was a little heaven on earth. I gained so much insights and clarity. Thank you so much for your safe embrace and loving care.


April 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Mariana & Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

I felt safe and supported

An amazing team that delivers a great healing experience in the true ayahuasca tradition. During the retreat I felt safe and supported. After the retreat, I walked away with new insights, beliefs, and friendships.


April 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Arief, Mariana & Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Devotion and wonderful, almost unexpected caring

Dear Sattvaya Team,

It was truly special to welcome my first Ayahuasca with you and this memory will last as a time full of love, extraordinary spiritual experiences and also challenges yet needed to gain inner wisdom and strength. You were there in every step of our journey with devotion and wonderful, almost unexpected caring. Thank you for this gift


March 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Herman, Arief & Maria

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ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

The team helped me immensely

It's hard to find the words, all participants drink the same tea but everyone has a wildy different experience. I got brought back to my childhood to re-experience some open wounds but being able see the pain with my adult eyes and wisdom. It wasn't easy to go through that experience but it was like a new light was shine upon it. The team helped me immensely through the though times.


March 2024  ~ Team: Yoka, Ronald, Herman, Arief & Maria

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Perfect place where I can profoundly heal

I found a perfect place where I can profoundly heal my life stuff. Outside: beautiful nature. Inside: a lovely creative caring team that was there when I needed them. I never had that much firm clarity and could live it without looking for a external reaction. Already planed a next trip with you and Mama Aya.


Januari 2024  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arief, Noud en Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Sattvaya een top plek om je reis aan te gaan!

De ceremonie bij Sattvaya was ontzettend waardevol! Ik heb genoten van de locatie, de groep, de muziek en de algehele sfeer. De reis was pittig, maar précies wat ik nodig had. Speciale dank aan de begeleiders die elk hun eigen rol vervulden in mijn proces. Ze waren zo ontzettend waardevol en ik had zonder hen lang niet zo diep kunnen gaan. Mocht de plant je roepen, dan is Sattvaya een top plek om je reis aan te gaan.


Januari 2024  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arief, Noud en Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

Geweldige ervaring en kom zeker terug!

Wat een fantastisch weekend heb ik gehad bij Sattvaya. De locatie en sfeer was heel fijn. Ik voelde me erg op mijn gemak waardoor ik me totaal kon overgeven tijdens de reizen. Het was echt een geweldige ervaring en ik ga zeker terug naar Sattvaya.

Bedankt voor alles <3


Januari 2024  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arief, Noud en Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Eternally grateful

I had a truly wonderful experience with Sattvaya. My journey with the sacred plants took me to dark and painful places, but also to light and most loving and beautiful places I have ever experienced. As for many people, I felt that I was shown exactly as much as I can take, no more no less. I entered the retreat with headful of things I wanted to work on. Intentions proved to be so important! I got to do some really important work during my travels and felt eternally grateful to the whole lovely Sattvaya team for facilitating it.


Januari 2024  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arief, Noud en Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Wholeheartedly recommend this experience

This being my second ceremony at Sattvaya, I found myself immersed once again in a profound journey of self-discovery. The insights gained were significant, shedding light on various aspects of my life and highlighting areas where I needed to grow. The guidance provided by the facilitators was nothing short of exceptional, deepening my connection with  them. I wholeheartedly recommend this experience to fellow seekers who has the courage to transcend their egoic narratives and stories and embark on a deeper exploration of self and life at large.


Januari 2024  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arief, Noud en Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Wederom een magische reis

Dit is mijn 2de ervaring met Ronald en Yoka, en wow, deze kwam nog dieper binnen. Het plantmedicijn geeft je wat je aankan en wat je kan dragen. De begeleiding was weer zo liefdevol en zorgvuldig. In combinatie met de prachtige muziek en onvoorwaardelijke veiligheid, die Ronald en Yoka samen met het team creëerden was het wederom een magische reis. Het maakt mij nederig, enorm dankbaar en tranend van blijheid en geluk. Het leven is zo mooi. Aho


Januari 2024  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arief, Noud en Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Life-altering experience in loving atmosphere

The experience here was life-altering for me - in only positive ways. I gained so much happiness, insight, and self-acceptance from this retreat. The effects of it continue to work long after the retreat and enable me to tackle very different aspects of my life with light-heartedness and optimism.

All of these positive changes have everything to do with the loving and accepting atmosphere created by the organizers. Having gone to a different provider before, I have to recognize that the plant medicine worked really well this time, because it was in connection with the amazing guides who led the retreat.


Januari 2024  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arief, Noud en Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

 A highly recomended lifechanger!!

For those who searching for an answer, for those who dont know how to move forward and are stucked somewhere, where they cant get out on their own, for those who wanted to find themself an heal their heart and a soul, I highly recomended Ronald and his team of guardians. This was for me a lifechanger!!❤️


Januari 2024  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arief, Noud en Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

Topervaring, zeer lieve en inteligente mensen!

Het was een ongelofelike ervaring op een supermooie rustige locatie in een mooie boerderij . Fantastisch mooi en qualitatief buffet met vers fruit, broodsoorten, verse groenten, soep .... georganiseerd door zeer lieve en inteligente mensen. Topervaring op elk vlak en zeker de moeite waard ook de prijs / kwaliteit is zeker een correct e eerlijke prijs !


Januari 2024  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arief, Noud en Kim

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Liefdevol, kundig met compassie en perfecte muziek.

De muziek tijdens de ceremonie was perfect, ondersteunend in de reis. De begeleiding liefdevol, kundig, met compassie, commitment en zorgzaam op een respectvolle manier voor een ieders proces. De sharingcirkel zo mooi om ieders inzichten als reflectie en herkenning te mogen aanhoren. De ruimte zorgvuldig en mooi ingericht, aandachtig en met liefde gedaan. Mijn reis ging terug naar mijn zeer kleine Peter die beschermd wordt door zijn ego en (mede daardoor) niet volwassen heeft kunnen worden. Volwassen Mannelijkheid is mijn thema geworden, een zoektocht en besef dat zich ontvouwd. Ik mag mijzelf hierin opvoeden en bij de hand nemen. Een grote verantwoordelijkheid. Vanuit liefde.


Oktober 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arif en Herman

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

A very open and safe space and amazing music!

The ceremony was an intense and profound experience for me. It was both intensely beautiful and emotionally confronting at the same time. But all through the journey I knew I was in good hands. Yoka, Ronald and the team were all very supportive and their active presence helped me and others a lot, and created a very open and safe space. Especially many thanks for the amazing music! It was an important part of the experience and the integration process later. I listen to the songs often and the music immediately reconnects me to the journey and helps understand my experience better. I am enormously grateful for this experience!!!


December 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Maria, Noud & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Creëeren van een nieuw startpunt, dankbaar!

Je hebt vast weleens over een Ayahuasca ceremonie gelezen of gehoord. Het klinkt gek maar je weet voor jezelf wanneer het tijd is om dit te beleven. Het is een ceremonie waarin je in staat wordt gesteld om je ego te overstijgen, pure meta reflectie toe te passen, je angsten aan te gaan en te durven loslaten, te voelen wat verbinding is, uit te werken wat je doel is, en veel meer dan in woorden te vangen valt. De ceremonie/reis is zwaar, mooi, intens, heftig & broodnodig voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling, naar mijn beleving. Het vergt goede voorbereiding en een juiste intentie van jezelf. Ronalds team zal tijdens de ceremonie/reis er onvoorwaardelijk voor je zijn. Dit maakt dat je achteraf een streep zet én kunt zetten in wat je wenst, nodig hebt voor de vormgeving van je huidige bestaan. Door mijn pijn te (her)beleven, te verwerken, te overzien en te integreren heb ik een nieuw startpunt gecreëerd. Dankbaar!


December 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Maria, Noud & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Feeling safe and a wonderfull experience

I loved the location and the group of people felt very good and the atmosphere was great. I loved that we had so much time to connect and talk. During the ceremonies, I felt safe. Overall this was a wonderful experience. Perhaps it was a bit much for me to join 2 ceremonies in 2 days. But my body could handle it. The medicine showed me a lot of interesting themes. Thank you team, for your support.


December 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Maria, Noud & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

 Filled with gratitude for the profound experiences

Transform your life, connect deeply with yourself, and immerse in the limitless love of existence at Sattvaya. This team, comprised of compassionate and skilled souls, is dedicated to healing individuals and the world. Nestled in a serene, lush setting, yet conveniently accessible, Sattvaya offers the perfect retreat.

My journey with Sattvaya began with sharing my story of deep-rooted traumas from early childhood losses. This pre-retreat communication meant I was welcomed like an old friend upon arrival, with the team fully aware of my needs and intentions. Their support was not just facilitating but actively participating in my healing process. Their empathetic touch and words were transformative, offering life-altering insights and helping me confront and understand my struggles. I learned new ways of self-communication and appreciation for the beauty and gifts of life.

Describing this experience in words is challenging, so I invite you to interpret it creatively. This journey is about connecting with a healing medicine that confronts and heals in unexpected ways. It involves immersing yourself in Sattvaya’s atmospheric music and space, feeling the pure love we're born into, and experiencing a divine glimpse beyond our reality's curtain. I am filled with gratitude for the profound experiences, the caring team at Sattvaya, and their effective, growth-oriented therapeutic approach. Most importantly, I thank myself for bravely embarking on this challenging yet rewarding journey. I return home lighter, happier, and healthier.


December 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Maria, Noud & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

This is the place to be!

Dit was weer een ongelooflijke, mooie reis. Ik ben zo dankbaar voor de uitmuntende begeleiding want dit had ik echt nodig. Ze weten je precies op het juiste moment op te zoeken en op de een of andere manier voelen ze precies aan wat jij nodig hebt tijdens de reis. Een aanraking, positieve en stimulerende woorden of gewoon naast je gaan zitten. Ik heb het nu al 4 keer gedaan maar ik heb nog nooit zo'n goede begeleiding gehad. Het eten was heerlijk, de bedden zijn comfortabel en je kan helemaal jezelf zijn. Als ik het nog eens ga doen dan weet ik 100% zeker dat ik weer terug kom. Enorm bedankt voor alles en ik ga jullie snel weer zien! Aanrader voor wie ayauasca wilt gaan proberen. This is the place to be!


December 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Maria, Noud & Mia

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ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

I felt save and being looked after

Ronald is mastering the art of the ayahuasca plant and its ceremony sublimely, through his experience, knowledge, musical guidance, rituals and much more.

Everything during the ceremony is aligned to have a profound journey, including a powerful intro and soothing ending. Thanks to the guidance and support of experienced and loving people I felt save and being looked after; they really helped me to go deeper, discover and surrender. The place, the ceremony room, the setting is totally accommodated to create a warm place for participants to connect, and share and let go.


December 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Maria, Noud & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

 life changing experience

A wondeful and life changing experience, with a kind group of participants and safe mentors throughout. 


November 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arif, Herman, Maria & Liza

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

I cannot imagine a safer and more loving environment 

This was an experience unlike anything else in my life. The positive energy of the team and the atmosphere of the ceremony room embraced us from the start. With the start of the ceremony you understand that this is going to be very special. The lights, the music and the loving care of the team prepare you, and then the Mother Plant takes over. The following hours are just magical. Whatever the Mother Plant brings up in you, it is very reassuring to know and feel that the team is there to support you. I cannot imagine a safer and more loving environment to experience this journey. I cannot thank the team enough, and I am already looking forward my next ceremony


November 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arif, Herman, Maria & Liza

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

The level of authenticity, professionalism and passion was overwhelming

Meeting Mama Ayahuasca is certainly a highly individual and intimate experience, and I couldn’t have wished for a more heartwarming, guided, safe and trustful environment for my first encounter with plant medicine.

From the very first contact with Ronald who patiently answered all my questions via mail and phone call until the very last goodbye in our closing circle on Sunday with all the shining souls I felt warmly welcome and seen, truly safe and professionally guided – a setting way above expectations, that allowed me to fully let go, trust the process and guidance and thus experience a journey towards inner peace, awareness and healing which it is difficult to put in words.

The level of authenticity, professionalism and above all passion the whole Sattvaya facilitator team embodied was overwhelming, their love for what they do, the light and sparkle they filled the room with, the never-before experienced way they make music with their outstanding voices, live instruments and sounds that seem to be from another galaxy to my ear in a level never listened to yet, made my heart full of joy & peace and my eyes full of tears of thankfulness, freedom and healing energy.

Lees meer

It is certainly one of these human encounters you cannot put into words because it is the souls that communicate – I can only express my deepest thanks for what I got to experience, I was gifted with two nights so full of clarity, awareness and awakening in a level of detail and power that I have never come anywhere close to yet with any other of my long-practiced tools of self-love, growth, meditation and turning inwards. It feels as if so may puzzle pieces that I was questioning and struggled with before suddenly fell into place - family structures & relations, growth tasks and challenges, addictive behaviors to compensate and cover and so much more.

Full of gratitude, inner peace and with a wholehearted feeling of being always guided, I take all this home for integration into my further healing journey.

I couldn’t recommend this experience more and from any deeper point in my heart – thanks to all of you beautiful souls who have made this experience such a valuable and unique one for me - you being you, your skills, all the light and power you bring to the process, everything of it was a pure pleasure!

I now know where to turn to in case of any future questions from this kind of another level – should I ever feel ready for guidance of Mama Aya again, I know without doubt, where I will find it.

Much love,



November 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arif, Herman, Maria & Liza

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

The chance to talk to my inner child 

What I understood after  my weekend of Ayahuasca, that Ayahuasca is more that your own journey. It’s sharing and open yourself to strangers. It’s love, to support each other and to allow be loved. All the amazing conversations we had. 

It also come to my knowledge that what all of us needed is to be seem, that I was a little girl asking for the attention/love I never got. 

I could at knowledge that thanks to Ayahuasca and the amazing help of all the facilitators. I had the chance to talk to my inner child and hold her. I’m a different person now, I need to learn who I am at 46 years old. But I am very happy to have it done. Even my way to hand write has change a bit, it's more free now!
I don’t going to lie, it was hard. 
I did more that 8 years of therapy (that had gave me lot of tools and strength to manage my life better, and helped me for example ask for help during the ceremony), but what I acknowledged in one ceremony it could not be achieve after years of therapy, simply because there you feel it, is your heart and your soul and your body, no just your mind the one that understand it. 

Lees Meer

Ayahuasca is a medium that needs the attention and humour of Jochill -Arif (amazing player and singer too), the wisdom/care from Herman, the love a support from Yoka (I will never forgot the sounds you made to relax me), the potion's master/DJ of Ronald, how well they organice it and how well they team, to bright.

My family and friends are asking me know if I will do it again. And I compare the experience with giving birth. Right after to have a child you don't think to go through that pain again. Few weeks/months latter you forget the pain and only see the miracle of life.

So ask me again in few weeks :)


Oktober 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arif & Herman

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Profound healing and spiritual exploration

Uncovering a perspective beyond the ordinary requires wandering into the unknown; my initial encounter with ayahuasca was truly exceptional. Delving into the realms of Mama Aya illuminated the path to self-love that I was seeking, far surpassing my expectations.

From the tranquil surroundings to the experienced and empathetic guides, every element of my voyage played a role in an impactful and transformative journey. Sattvaya established an environment conducive to profound healing and spiritual exploration. I would suggest Sattvaya to anyone ready to explore the depths of their being.


Oktober 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Arif & Herman

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Wholeheartedly recommended

I participated in the October retreat at Sattvaya and was profoundly impressed by the professionalism and extensive experience of the organizers. They provided excellent guidance, offering valuable information as we prepared for the ceremony, including dietary recommendations and mindfulness practices.

Throughout the retreat, the organizers consistently demonstrated warmth, respect, care, and love, which were evident in their interactions with us. The Ayahuasca experience is a deeply transformative journey. On the first night, I faced one of the most challenging evenings of my life. Despite the intensity, I felt exceptionally safe and well-supported by them.

During the Ayahuasca ceremony, the organizers didn't leave participants to navigate their inner journeys alone. Intuitively, they provided support exactly when and how it was needed. As a scientist, I cannot explain the mechanics of this, but on both nights, I felt their presence precisely when it was most crucial. I hold immense respect for the challenging yet vital work they undertake.

The organizers also facilitated our integration within the group. Despite spending only two days together, we quickly opened up, sharing our deepest worries, painful memories, and personal struggles. The connections and love that flourished among the organizers and participants, as well as among the participants themselves, were profoundly beautiful. In fact, half of the participants, particularly those living in close proximity, formed an integration circle and will continue to support each other in their ongoing integration processes.

Lees Meer

I cannot express enough admiration for Ronald and Yoka. On the first night, when my inner critic, identifying herself as the goddess Kali, judged me for hours, Yoka came to comfort me by caressing my face and hair. It felt like she saved my life. While it may sound like an exaggeration, during the ceremony, it genuinely felt that way, remaining one of the most beautiful and loving memories of my life. Additionally, Yoka followed up with a (free) integration talk two weeks later, engaging in an inquiry about my integration process and providing valuable suggestions. Ronald also shared useful exercises for us to do during the integration process. Hence, their wise counsel and attentive care accompanied us before, during, and after the ceremony.

I've already booked my next retreat with them and wholeheartedly recommend Sattvaya to anyone interested in embarking on the mystical Ayahuasca journey.


Oktober  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Herman & Arif

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Setting was exactly how it should be

I have had a wonderful ceremonial weekend. The location was beautiful, the team was very nice and helpful. Everything was very well arranged and the setting was exactly how it should be. I'm very happy that I chose to do my journey at Sattvaya and can fully recommend it!


September/Oktober 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana en Mathieu

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Top begeleiding!

Het groepsgevoel was geweldig. De begeleiding was top waarvoor zeker extra dank. Op het juiste moment op een of andere manier voelde een begeleider dit aan en zei me “dat ik er mag zijn dat ik niet zo streng voor mezelf mag zijn.” Dit zal ik nooit vergeten waarvoor dank !


September/Oktober 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana en Mathieu

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

De energie voelde direct erg positief

Ik was in het begin bang en nerveus totdat ik binnenkwam bij de prachtige locatie en setting. De energie die daar hing, voelde direct erg positief. Ik had de eerste avond een zware, maar zeer betekenisvolle reis achter de rug, die mij veel inzicht en heling gaf die ik in mijn dagelijkse leven kan toepassen. Ik wil Ronald en het team nogmaals heel erg bedanken voor hoe liefdevol ze ons hebben begeleid en voor ons hebben gezorgd. Ook de groep was heel begripvol, liefdevol en je kon helemaal jezelf zijn. Wanneer de medicijn mij weer roept, zal ik hier zeker terugkomen. Dank je wel!


September/Oktober 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana en Mathieu

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

The love and dedication is truly admirable.

I now experienced this retreat for the second time and still feel that this is a unique place. they create a safe environment to journey in and deal with whatever comes on your path. The love and dedication of the team is truly admirable.


September/Oktober 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana en Mathieu

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

The most interesting and wonderful thing I ever experienced

The atmosphere of the ceremony room was excellent, cozy and it felt very good to be there. Yoka and Roland and the other 2 helpers supported us during our ceremony so lovely and careness. I realy felt loved and protected. Thanks for this again.
This experience helped me in my conscious, that this is the right way and worth to go deeper. The music during the ceremony was chosen so well and helped me to enjoy and surrender myself more and more.

This spirituel trip was the most interesting and wonderful thing I ever experienced so far and I will do it again and again.

Thank you very much.


September/Oktober 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana en Mathieu

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

The love, safety and acceptance…

I wanted to join an ayahuasca ceremony for some years now to enhance my personal growth but the big obstacle was where? There were no friends or relatives who were interested in this so I had to search the internet. The first thought that came to me was “ INTERNET ??? you ´re crazy, how can you trust this?” but my curiosity seemed to be bigger than my distrust so I booked a place. I AM SO GLAD I DID!!! At arrival I noticed immediately that my scepticism was ungrounded. The team knows what they are doing and more important why. The love, safety and acceptance that is created by the team and participants is powerful. Ronald guided us on with loving, open and clear words and music through the ceremony. Yoka gave me personal and total attention and presence when I felled that I needed it. Mariana her touches opens hearts. I will come again!


September/Oktober 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana en Mathieu

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

Valuable experience with new insights

This has been my 4th time and 1ste time at Sattvaya. Every ayahuasca experience is different. In the end you can only surrender to the drink and see what's coming. The guidance at Sattvaya is kind and full care . Besides that the location is amazing, the music fitting, the food amazing and every step of the whole experience is well thought out. Besides that there is plenty of time for integration and time to process. This all makes it a valuable experience which gave me new insights


September 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Herman & Maria

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

I felt sooooo incredibly safe and so much love

It was my very first time with Ayahuasca. Short: overwhelmed!!!

Longer: With some previous awareness work, proper (but hard, what was worth it) diet, a lovely Sattvaya-Team: their care, their words, their music, their live-sounds, their touch, their presence - I hade two wonderful and indescribable nights with Mama Ayahuasca. I felt sooooo incredibly safe and so much love from "strangers". During the ceremony a door to my innerst self was opened that longed to be opened for some time and I am so thankful it was opened at Sattvaya.

I am sure I will come back and send some lovely Souls to this place.


September 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Herman & Maria

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Leuke groep, lieve begeleiding, Fijn huis & mooie muziek en zang

Hoiiiiiii <3

Mijn eerste ontmoeting met tanta Aya. De eerste avond was intens. Goed ervaren en voelde me hiervan opgelucht de dagen erna. De tweede avond was kalmer, heerlijk bewust euforisch van de lichamelijke ervaring genoten en de muziek. De muziek was heerlijk en luister ik nog dagelijks naar. De live muziek en zang was niet te beschrijven zo mooi en bracht mij in een diepe ontspanning waar ik mij nog meer kon overgeven aan de ervaring. Leuke groep met hele lieve begeleiding. Fijn huis met een mooie tuin en lekkere wandel-omgeving. Superrrrlekker eten!

Niet specifiek nieuwe inzichten maar wel een gevoel alsof ik dingen heb kunnen loslaten, voel (nog meer) een constant sprankeltje geluk in mij rondzwemmen. Bedankt Ronald, Yoka en de anderen.

LOVE Remco


September 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Herman & Maria

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

The guidance and the (live) music is really amazing

I have been wanting to attend ayahuasca ceremonies for a long time, but there was always something holding me back. When I found sattvaya online and spook to Ronald by phone, I felt a sense of trust and excitement and nothing turned out to be less right. Yoka, Ronald and the other caretakers really put a lot of care, work and love into these weekends. The guidance through the ceremonies and the (live) music is really amazing. Also, the questionnaires and checkups before and after the weekend really give you that safe and trustworthy feeling you need for an experience like this. I was always sceptical about attending a ceremony in the Netherlands instead of somewhere in the jungle abroad, but now, I would definitely go back. For everyone who is looking for a safe place where love and trust is put first, I would definitely recommend Sattvaya. 💖


September 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Herman & Maria

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

I move through life much happier and free

I felt safe and cared for during the retreat. I felt the love and energy that was shared by the guides. The music, love, conversation, (sharing circles) and nourishing food. I could complete surrender myself to the experience and fully let the plant medicine work and show me what I needed to see. I appreciated the in depth phone call with the shaman. The conversation with the guides during the weekend was helpful to let go and surrender. Which allowed me to remove expectations and be in the moment.

I received exactly what I needed. I was able to heal things with my family and gain new love for myself and the people around me. I am so grateful. I move through life much happier and free.


September 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Herman & Maria

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

Uitstekende begeleiding en prachtige muziek

Ik vond de ceremonieomgeving fijn en de begeleiding was uitstekend. De muziek tijdens de ceremonies was prachtig, en ik voelde me echt op mijn gemak.


September 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Herman & Maria

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

I think I did never felt so happy before

Massively lovely experience with incredible music and live healing instruments. My journey to magic world was incredible.

The way how Ayahuasca works is hard to describe by words, you just have to experience it. It definitely changed my personality, for a better. Or if to say even more right, it did cleaned away lots of what is not mine, but I been holding to it. It helped me to release so much of negative emotions I been keeping inside and what did blocked all my potential and didn't let me to be my true myself. That may seem scary or uncomfortable, to go through all of that emotions what we are trying not to pay attention to so actively. But it is definitely a healing process and it's necessary to let go all what is not good for us, to free space for something new and beautiful.

Thank you all of our supervisor, shaman team, who did enormus work to support us in our healing process, Your help did mean a Lot, Thank you for your guidance and spiritual healing what you all did to help us to go through what we were facing that nights.❤️

Once massive cleaning process during my first night was done, second night of Ayahuasca began beautifully. I had lots of euphoria moments, listened to incredibly beautiful music what Roland and the rest shamans were playing and live singin, playing musical instruments, I was enjoying the new found peace in within me, and feeling overly happy, I think I did never felt so happy before. I will not gonna describe all my trip and visions what I did had, but it was special, something really, really special and life changing.

Lees Meer

Setting of retreat is located in a beautiful farm house, all surrounded by nature and peace. So there is possibility also go outside during the ceremony if you feel like connecting more to the nature. Ceremony hall is nicely decorated and cozy, you can feel the spiritual vibe in there. During ceremony you can feel super safe and comfortable also feeling connected to all the people who is in the room and private inaf to dive deeply in to your own journey. The atmosphere in house is really open hearted and friendly, every time coming there I feel like I m coming back to home and all those people what most of them I meet for first time,is part of my family. Food is also healthy, tasty and nice, just right in time what we need during retreat, nothing extraordinary or too much. It's good that there is always options for a different diets like vegetarian, vegan and raw foods too. This was my second time at Sattvaya retreat. And I will definitely come back. I m open and ready to a beautiful transformations what Mother Ayahuasca does with me and my life.

Thank you Sattvaya team, you are the Best! Millions blessings to all of you, tons of love, peace and all the best of the best to you!!! ❤️❤️❤️


September 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Herman & Maria

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Feeling of safety and care

Massively lovely experience with incredible music and live healing instruments. Feeling of safety and care created by Ronald, Joka and their team. Amazing group of people. Some new insights about love and the people around me but mostly a confirmation that I am on the right trajectory. Will certainly do a ceremony with Ronald and team again!


September 2023  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Herman & Maria

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

2 years of therapy in 2 nights!

Almost one week after the ceremony now and I’m still wondered and glowing. It felt as if I received 2 years of therapy in 2 nights. If you think you understand life and spiritual concepts, wait until you feel them during the ceremonies. The experience changed my life forever. I can highly recommend it if you seek to experience breakthroughs in your life!


augustus 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Noud, Maria & Liezl

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

 A warm and spiritual space.

The journey I’ve made with both of the plant medicine, feel life changing. During the first ceremony it felt a bit overwhelming at times and I was literally not in control (I always am so that felt good but also kinda scary). I really learned to use my voice that night and felt a lot of insights and physical cleansing of my body.

The second journey felt more like the medicine I know, love and trust, being called to the spirits and it was an amazing spiritual experience. My body was able to process a lot of old pain and trauma and the guardians helped and held me trough that process which felt really loving and safe.

The space of Sattivya really feels like a warm and spiritual space and I would love to come back some time and have another journey with them. Once again I thank you for holding space and doing this incredibly important healing work 🤎


augustus 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Noud, Maria & Liezl

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

The guidance was professional, and with a pure intention

This was my first experience drinking Ayahuasca, and I could not have done it in a better place than with Ronald and his team. The guidance was professional, and with a pure intention. In an atmosphere of openness and respect, the group was taken step by step through the whole journey. I admire the work these lovely people do in helping others in their healing process.

I once heard someone say, when Mother Ayahuasca calls you, you better pick up the phone. It is true. My 2 journeys were not easy, but I was well supported and looked after. Thank you all for this unforgettable experience.

May Mother Aya call me again, I know where to go: Sattvaya.



augustus 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Noud, Maria & Liezl

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Puur, liefdevol en gepassioneerd! 

Wow wat een mooi weekend een fantastisch mooi kado aan mezelf! De organisatie bestaat uit pure, liefdevolle en gepassioneerde professionals die zorgen voor een fantastische reis waarin niets ontbreekt

Voor mij 10 uit 10 :) Complimenten voor de manier waarop de ceremonie werd gegeven en ook de nazorg die er geboden word, echt super fijn! Puur, liefdevol en gepassioneerd! in alle opzichten boven verwachting :D


juli 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Noud, Mia & Liezl

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

Lovely setting and strong connection

Never having engaged in this sort of ceremony before I was a bit apprehensive. But I had two special journeys and in due course they gave me clarity over the issues I have been facing.

The ceremonies were lovingly and skillfully conducted, the music, especially Ronald's live contributions, was excellent. The setting was lovely and thanks to the guidance I felt a strong connection to the other participants as well as the staff.

Everybody was just lovely. I'm so privileged to have been able to join this extraordinary adventure and I can highly recommend it.


juli 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Noud, Mia & Liezl

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

a supportive and loving environment with beautiful music

I can confidently say that coming to the retreat was one of the best decisions I could make on my healing journey.

Ayahuasca is a challenging medicine, it requires you to completely surrender and let it do its work - which is not always a pleasant thing, especially when it comes to releasing old traumas and negative patterns. But doing it in a supportive and loving environment makes all the difference and I’m beyond grateful to have been able to do it with Ronald, Yoka, Noud and Mia - they created a safe space for all of the participants to experience all that Mama Aya wanted us to see and feel.

The music during the ceremony was beyond beautiful and greatly enhanced the whole experience. Besides that, in just 2.5 days we were able to build a sense of community among our group, which is something I didn’t think was possible at all, yet it made all the difference as we were able to share our insights with each other openly, without any judgement.

I’m forever grateful for this magical weekend and would recommend the retreat to anyone who is interested in plant medicine.


juli 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Noud, Mia & Liezl

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

lichter, en met een wijsheid als nooit tevoren

Dit was mijn allereerste ervaring met Ayahuasca. Ik had geboekt op basis van het goede gevoel wat ik bij de website kreeg, en de positieve reviews. 

De plek van de ceremonie en het team voelden heel veilig en liefdevol aan. Het werd mij heel makkelijk gemaakt om over te geven aan het proces, en ik heb meer uit de ceremonies gehaald dan ik ooit had kunnen bedenken.  

Tijdens de 1e avond nam moeder Aya mij aan de hand om aan de slag te gaan met onverwerkte trauma’s en zelfs trauma’s over generaties en eeuwen heen. Ik heb zoveel over mijzelf geleerd, meer inzichten dan ik ooit door therapie of studie heb kunnen verkrijgen. Het was een hele intense avond, maar absoluut de moeite waard.  

Tijdens de 2e avond nam mijn overleden opa mij aan de hand, en heeft mij geleerd over mijn afkomst en wie ik in wezen ben. Dit was een ontzettend mooie ervaring, en het heeft mij veel inzichten gegeven. 

Ik vond het ook heel bijzonder wat voor een band ik in deze korte tijd met mijn medereizigers heb ontwikkeld. We vonden veel steun bij elkaar, en het was waardevol om elkaars verhalen tijdens de sharing-circles met elkaar te delen. De muziek door Ronald was ook prachtig, en paste perfect in de ervaring. Na afloop hebben we een playlist van de muziek gekregen.  

Ik voel mij na deze 2 ceremonies lichter, en met een wijsheid als nooit tevoren. Er breekt nu nog een tijd van integratie aan, maar ik weet zeker dat dit mij als persoon tot in de kern geheeld heeft. Ik ben Ronald, Yoka, Mia, Noud en Liezl ontzettend dankbaar voor deze mooie en helende ervaring. 


juli 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Noud, Mia & Liezl

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Genuine love and compassion

I felt compelled to write this because I am now in a place where I wouldn't have dared dream possible and I attribute this entirely to my Ayahuasca experience. I can't believe it but I am now ten days clean or all the medication I was on. Zero painkillers and no headaches at all. I honestly thought I would need clinical detox to achieve this so I really can't believe I'm in this place now! I have had a little acupuncture and used cold water immersion to help with pain and sleeping but the precipitating factor in all this was definitely the retreat and I am just so grateful.

My experience at the retreat in itself was stunningly beautiful, I was just blown away by the genuine love and support that I witnessed happening in the room. During it I opened my eyes and just watched the facilitators tend to everyone with such genuine love and compassion it almost moved me more than the  journey inside did. To be honest I hadn't even admitted to myself how much I had been self medicating and I think it was this that inhibited me a little but I am keen to go back and go a little deeper next time if they'll have me! I'd also experienced very recent trauma and my nervous system was very disregulated going in so I believe that Ayahuasca was gentle with me and gave me exactly what I needed at the time but I did find it hard to let go and get fully immersive , having said that the healing in my life after is testament in itself that some deep inner work was going on because I never imagined I would get to this level of healing in a million years so I am really living a life that is beyond my dreams now. Working out every day, sleeping unmedicated and not relying on painkillers to get through the day. 


juni 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Gabriele, Mia & Noud

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

De begeleiding was zeer liefdevol en respectvol

Sattvaya voelde als een veilige plek voor mij. De begeleiding was zeer liefdevol en respectvol. Bijzonder vond ik dat mijn oma even "langskwam" om te bedanken dat ik ook haar pijn heelde. Deze keer was mijn reis minder intens, maar ook dat was goed. Het was fijn om de 2e dag van het weekend veel tijd te hebben om dingen te verwerken, inzichten op te schrijven en te rusten. Ik blijf het indrukwekkend vinden wat een band je opbouwt met je mede "reizigers", terwijl je toch bezig bent met je eigen heling. Dat we een app-groep hebben en een playlist kregen achteraf vind ik hele fijn. Het helpt om de energie van het weekend vast te houden of er weer redelijk in te komen. Dankbaar voor deze mooie ervaring.


juni 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Gabriele, Mia & Noud

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Bevrijd en omringd door liefde, fantastische en liefdevolle begeleiding 

Na een periode van veel innerlijk werk via reguliere kanalen veel innerlijk werk verricht, echter liep ik nog wel steeds in mijn eigen valkuil. Alles is rationeel te bevatten maar in realiteit kwam ik mijzelf tegen in bepaalde situaties en had hier geen vat op. Toen besloten om een andere weg te bewandelen en heb besloten om aan Moeder Ayahuasca raad te vragen en wat een openbaring is dat geworden! Mijn intentie was te onderzoeken of er in mijn onderbewustzijn nog belemmeringen waren waar ik in mijn dagelijkse leven tegen aanliep. Ik kan alleen zeggen dat het een geweldige innerlijke reis was met een openbaring waar ik nooit zonder Ayahuasca bij had kunnen komen. Ik voel mij nu zo bevrijd en omringt door liefde en zelf-liefde en voel mij verlicht in mijn ego gedachtegangen!Een ervaring voor het leven die ik met mij mee zal dragen.De begeleiding was echt fantastisch en liefdevol en en stellen je zo op je gemak dat ik mij heel erg relaxed en veilig voelde gedurende het weekend. De charrings met mijn mede reisgenoten waren ontzettend mooi en we vonden veel steun bij elkaar tijdens het weekend .De muziek was prachtig en geheel in sfeer met de groep en de setting.

Op internet veel aanbieders gezien maar ik voelde mij direct verbonden met de website van Sattvaya en kan niet anders zeggen dat dit echt een geweldige keus was en het voelde als thuiskomen. Wat een geweldige relaxte locatie en serene rust.En nogmaals wat een liefdevol en professioneel team waarbij je heerlijk veilig en relaxed voelt. Ik kan Sattvaya aan iedereen aanbevelen!


juni 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Gabriele & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Feeling more comfortable and so much lighter

This experience has really opened me up. I was feeling stuck and lost inside of myself and this world. Mother Ayahuasca has shown me the patterns I have to break and she has given the answers to several questions of mine. I am feeling thankful, more comfortable and so much lighter. Also the guides and their energy are really loving and angelic, they have helped me when I was feeling stuck and made me feel really loved.

Thank you guys, I will always cherish and remember this.

Much love and light


juni 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Gabriele & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

Respect for the tradition of the Sacred Medicine

The ambience was very safe and loving. The facilitators really took the time to personally connect with every single person. There was a good balance between scientific and spiritual knowledge of the Medicine. The setting was great- a beautiful scenery near Amsterdam. The music and ceremony were done with respect for the tradition of the Sacred Medicine. And facilitators guided every person equally the during the ceremony. Sattvaya really deliver what they promise on their site!


juni 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Gabriele & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

Voelde me heel erg veilig

Ik wil het gehele team heel erg bedanken voor de geweldige ervaring. De ayahuascaceremonies hebben me weer een stap verder gebracht in mijn helingproces. Ik voelde me heel veilig en daardoor kon ik me volledig overgeven. Het was zo fijn dat er zoveel begeleiding was en dat de groep deelnemers niet groot was, het voelde vertrouwd om persoonlijke dingen met de groep te delen, dit hielp weer om dieper in het proces te komen. Ik merk nu na afloop dat ik liever voor mezelf kan zijn, en voor mij het mooiste: ik heb veel meer dan hiervoor intens kunnen genieten van mijn kinderen. Alle pijnlijke gevoelens en daarmee gepaard gaande stress, zelfafwijzing etc, lijkt wat meer naar de achtergrond te zijn verplaatst. Ik hoop dat ik het nog eens durf te doen!


mei 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Gabriele & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Grote liefde, volle aandacht en Goddelijke muziek.

Eerder heb ik ook al wat geschreven over mijn ervaringen bij Sattvaya. Dit was de 2de keer. Het is allemaal zo goed hier. Even (opnieuw) over de begeleiding. Met zo'n grote zorgvuldigheid, voelt zo veilig en oh zo ontzettend vriendelijk. Er wordt haarscherp aangevoeld of iemand van hen even bij me 'moet' komen, of dat ze mij juist even alle ruimte geven tijdens mijn reis. Dit alles in grote liefde en volle aandacht. Perfect in balans. Ach ja, ik kan het niet laten om helemaal niets over de muziek te vertellen: werkelijk Goddelijk! Als ik terugkijk naar wat ik heb gezien en beleefd tijdens de reizen, dan komen er nu bijvoorbeeld de volgende woorden bij mij op: Herkenning en Vertrouwen.

Opnieuw een diepe, diepe buiging van dankbaarheid!


mei 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Gabriele & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

I feel I have a lighter heart

Overall I can describe the journey as intense and unique. Am grateful for having had the opportunity to participate and have a clearer idea and focus on where I can deepen my healing process after the ceremony. It is too soon to have full clarity on the experience as the effects are very still there and integration is in full process.

During the ceremony I felt supported and guided by a beautiful team of spaceholders. The music played and made is a beautiful part of the journeys, drawing you further in and nourishing and cherishing your healing process whilst in the journey. Allowing space for stuck emotions to be released was very powerful and after the ceremony I feel I have a lighter heart.

The integration circles are key to your own integration process. It's beautiful to share your experiences and hear what other participants have experienced.

The surroundings allow space for walks in nature or just charging your batteries in a relaxed environment.


mei 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Gabriele & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

Music and love ❤️💙

I knew that I need to try Aya. But did not know wher to go. When I heard about Sattvaya, I knew it is the right place for me. And I was not wrong. Did not expect anything from the group, session, people, place,... But was really positive surprise. The place is amazing (exactly what you need at that time), the nature, perfect place for walking, being with yourself. I was feeling really save, confortable, could express my feelings, had a huge connection with people in the group. Ronald and his team took excellent care of us. I am still surprised about how they knew exactly when to come and give exactly what was needed. And above all the music, that was amazing, no words can describe it. What I gained: peace with myself, in my mind, I stopped the conversation with myself (negative ones), now I have a need of meditations, need of going alone to the nature, need to listen myself, my intuition.

I’m really glad that I chose Sattvaya for my first experience with plant medicine and I can strongly recommend Ronald and his team. Big thank you to them. I will definitely be back one day. Music, people will stay with me forever. Forever grateful for amazing experience.

With love. AHO ❤️


mei 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Gabriele & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

 The guides were deeply genuinely caring

I always thought I wasn’t ready for the Medicine but all of a sudden it called me. I was a bit anxious but the setting made it easy to surrender. The guides were deeply genuinely caring for me and the other participants. There was an enormous space for our own process and for me it was a deeply profound experience that helped me further in my path and healing. I will definitely do this again in my life. I can highly recommend this centre. It’s casual, non dogmatic yet very experienced.


mei 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Gabriele & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

My life’s most memorable moments

Ronald, Yoka and the team are angels in human form. You can tell they are doing plant medicine, ayahuasca ceremonies because they have so much knowledge and wisdom to share with those of us who are in the beginning of their enlightenment journeys. They do this from their heart and they give their everything before, during, and after the ceremonies to ensure you leave there as the best version of yourself.

There are no judgements, no expectations, just teachings that you get the answers mother Aya wants to show you. Each of us are in different paths and therefore we all will receive different messages from her.

Thanks to them, I was able to have such powerful journey. Met with Mother Aya and the spiritual powers and had my life’s most memorable moments (even more magical and two childbirths! :) ) in addition to adding new life long family members; Ronald, Yoka, their team, and all the other eleven participants.

Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for being inspiring and amazing journey partners, path finders, and knowledge and wisdom light carriers. Until we meet again,

AHO 🙏🏻✨🌞😇❤️


mei 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Gabriele & Mia

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Liefdevolle en magische ervaring!

Wow wat een bijzondere ceremonie. 

Mijn eerste reis met moeder Aya. De reis was mooi, heftig, intens, emotioneel, liefdevol maar vooral magisch! Ik heb zoveel kunnen releasen. Ten eerste was de groepsconnectie super fijn, het is echt een safe space waar je kan zijn wie je bent, zonder schaamte of onbegrip. Ook dit voel je bij de begeleiding. Het team was zo ontzettend liefdevol en ervaren! Je bent ècht in goede handen. Alles is oke, je voelt je gehoord en gezien. Dit is heel erg belangrijk als je een reis in gaat.

Ook de muziek was perfect. Echt perfect! De muziek heeft onbewust zoveel invloed op je reis en Ronald weet precies hoe de muziek afgespeeld moet worden. De setting is super warm en relaxed. Ik heb nog nooit zo’n warme, fijne plek en mensen ontmoet. Ook al was mijn reis erg heftig en was ik soms een beetje in paniek, ik wist en voelde dat de beleiding er voor mij was en mij ondersteunden erdoor heen te gaan.

Ik ben zo ontzettend blij dat ik deze eerste reis bij het juiste adres heb mogen ervaren! Voor mij geen andere plek dan Sattvaya!

Big thanks and love for the team and participants <3


april 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Gabriele & Howard

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

Loving and caring staff, wonderful music - 5 star rating

This was my 4th time at Sattvaya healing. I just love going to Sattvaya as the location and the accommodation are 5 star and keeps Improving with every vist.
The staff are so kind loving and caring. The guidance from the staff during the ceremonies is so good that it gives you a safe and loving environment feeling. Ronald plays the most wonderful music for that extra experience. Even at somepoints the music is enough to guide you on your journey.

Well for my 4th time I knew before I went to the retreat is was going to be a difficult and a challenging weekend for me.
In the weeks running up the the retreat I had started remembering bad childhood memories and didn't realy understand why.
At the retreat after sharing with the group and staff it became clear that I had to face my childhood fears and abuse from my father.

During my journey I was shown lots of bad memories that I had blocked out as a child. I was made by ayahuasca to face each and everyone of my fears. When his is done I would be free to move on with my life and stop living in the passed.

After the ceremonies I can say now that I feel free and content with my self my mind and body feel so at peace with my self.
Now I feel free happy and confident enough to move on in life and not to look at the passed but only to the future.

Living happy and free ✨️ 😌 ☺️ 🍀🙏


april 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Gabriele & Howard

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya ayahuasca retreat shamanic journey

the music is insanely good

Beautiful experience thanks to the guidance of Ronald and his team. Specially kudos to the facilitators Gabriel, Yoka, Mariana and Howard. such warmth and care for somebody you just met. And the music is insanely good. it contributed to a wonderfull journey.


april 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Gabriele & Howard

sattvaya ceremony ayahuasca music

excellent care and support during and after the retreat

I have never experienced anything quite like this. The journeys I took were beautiful and allowed me to observe my thoughts and feelings from new perspectives. I felt lighter, more energized and much more curious about plant medicine after this retreat. Ronald and his team took excellent care of the journeyers and really supported us before, during and after our retreat. I’m really glad that I chose Sattvaya for my first experience with plant medicine. 


april 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Gabriele & Howard

sattvaya ayahuasca ervaring

True compassion and intense love, it was Magical!

Words cannot justify the devine experience I had during the two days of Ayahuasca ceremony with Sattvaya. I attained spiritual enlightment and was guided to the truth of life by Mama Ayahuasca. True compassion and intense love was felt throughout, although it was not easy and required full surrenduring during the journey. 

The team of Sattvaya was outstanding in its guidance, preparations and carrying throughout the whole retrait. The beautiful music, the continuous care and love from Mariane/Joka/Mia, the ambience of the room, the amazing people participating; it was magical!

Thank you so much for this life-changing experience.

All love


maart 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Mia

ayahuasca-thee ceremonie amsterdam
ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

The notion of compassion left an important imprint 

My journey with Ayahuasca (my first) was very revealing, freeing and also in the long run very beneficial for my well-being. I’m more aware of my feelings, understanding them and react accordingly. The notion of compassion and how it is the natural human state (compared to ego) was very present during my journey but left an important imprint on my interpersonal relationships. 


februari 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Juan

sattvaya ayahuasca plant

ik ben gelukkig, voel compassie en veel meer (zelf)liefde

Het was in een woord: Perfect!

Een prachtige veilige liefdevolle omgeving met een enorme connectie met alle mensen in de groep en vier lieve ceremonie leiders. Het was schoon, mooi, gezellig, knus, fijne muziek, veel liefde en knuffels, lekker eten, mooie leef omgeving, prachtige natuur.

Dit alles heeft vanaf de eerste seconde bij binnenkomst gezorgd voor een prachtige reis. 

De eerste dag met de anahuasca was mooi, rustig en veel

Spirituele inzichten. De tweede dag met ayahuasca en Rapéh was voor mij intens gelukkig, heftig, mooi. Er zijn zoveel inzichten bij elkaar gekomen, helderheid in mijn zijn in mijn huidige leven binnen mijn familie systeem, helderheid uit vorige levens. 

Dit was soms heel pijnlijk en verdrietig, maar zo mooi ook en verhelderend. 

Lees meer

Tot de dag van vandaag is het ieder moment bij me… en de emotionele band met mijn vader is ineens enorm versterkt (hij was samen met mijn moeder vandaag een dagje bij mij en mijn gezin, ik kreeg voor het allereerst een echte knuffel van hem… we spraken over ayahuasca op zijn initiatief en over de verbinding die ik zo sterk voel met mijn opa, zijn vader.

Alles loopt lekkerder dan voorheen, ik ben gelukkig, voel compassie en veel meer (zelf) liefde.

Dank voor alle inzichten en de ruimte die jullie hierbij gecreëerd hebben, dit is een enorm waardevol geschenk in mijn leven.

Ik kom zeker terug,


Xxx Leonie


maart 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Mia

ayahuasca sessie
sattvaya ayakasha ayahuasca facilitator

warm welcome and a perfect location

It was a wonderful weekend, great appreciation for the Sattvaya Team to create this space where healing can take place. With a warm welcome and a perfect location for a sacred Plant Medicine. We had two ceremonies with beautiful live music and an integration session afterwards with helped me to take the most out of this experience. 


februari 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Juan

ayahuasca sacred Plant Medicine ceremonie

music is my way of healing

The ceremony was placed in a very peaceful and clean ambient and it was very good organised and prepared. I felt very comfortable, I was just very excited, what is normal. In the first round of the first day, the medicine gave me a very pleasant feeling of floating and I felt lovely vibrations. I felt my body dissolving with the music, which was very helpful to surrender in the journey. I felt confident of going deeper in the journey with the second round. The second round brought me in a strong conflict with my inner fears and blockades and it was hard for me to surrender.

With the help of the guidance I could feel more safe and with less fear. In the live music I found the solution and way out of the self conflict with singing. I found out, that music is my way of healing.

Read more

In the second day of the ceremony, I was still processing the journey of the first day, which was very strong. The guidance helped me a lot giving me power and confidence to go into a light journey, that gave me the feeling of bringing peace to myself. The medicine brought me in a deep meditative state, felt being one with myself, with others and with everything. I felt very much compassion with others and self love.

In the next day I felt very light, my muscles were very relaxed and my mind very clear. This state is still there after 3 weeks and I hope keeping it the longest as possible. I am very thankful for this strong experience and would do it again, after working on the issues, that I found out in this weekend.

Thanks for everyone, that shared this experience with me. All of you will be always in my memory.

Much love and Best regards!


februari 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Juan

ceremonie ayahuasca nederland

A very magical journey and felt suported!

My journey was very magical and I felt supported at all times by the wonderful team. The incessant care and love you gave to all of us was very special and I thank you deeply. This atmosphere was enhanced by the beautiful music played live and otherwise. Should I ever be asked where to do a plant ceremony, I will definitely send them your way. I am so happy I went. It was the best journey I have made in a while.


februari 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Juan

caapi banisteriopsis ayahuasca ceremonie nederland
sattvaya om mij ayahuasca reviews

Feeling safe and comfortable

It's the single most important journey I have taken in my life! I was surprised by how much I surrendered that is thanks to all the staff who made me me feel safe and comfortable. 


februari 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Juan

sattvaya ayahuasca retreat amsterdam

Positieve sfeer

De totale ervaring maakt dat de reis goed volbracht word.De sfeer die vanaf dag 1 word neergezet draagt hier positief aan bij. De groep mensen waar ik mee was waren allen in eerste instantie vreemd voor mij. Door de begeleiding in de kringgesprekken viel de vervreemding weg. Het werd snel duidelijk dat we allen met onze vraagstukken zaten. Er werd ruimte geboden om dat ieder voor zich te delen waarbij een ieders grens gerespecteerd wordt. De muziek en rituelen hebben hier positief aan bijgedragen.


februari 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Juan

jurema amsterdam ayahuasca retreat netherlands
sattvaya ayakasha ayahuasca facilitators

Beautiful music!

The experience was a message to let go of the things out of my control and trust the process of life. I walked into the Ceremony looking for a purpose and came back out with one. The music was beautiful and the voices of the shamans singing brought me nothing but peace.


februari 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Juan

ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

Great experience!

It was amazing, thank you all for this great ayahuasca experience!


January 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Mia

ayahuasca ceremonie met sjamaan

Een van de mooiste ervaringen in mijn leven

De Ayahuasca ceremonie was een van de mooiste ervaringen die ik tot nu toe in mijn leven heb meegemaakt. Alles klopte. De mensen, de begeleiding, de energie, de liefde, de muziek. Dat zorgde voor een prachtige reis naar diverse plekken waarvan ik de meeste nog nooit had gezien of ervaren. Het heeft mijn ogen geopend, het heeft mijn bewustzijn veranderd en het heeft trauma geheeld. Ik kan het iedereen aanbevelen en ga er zelf een jaarlijks terugkerende reis van maken. AHO


January 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Mia

ayahuasca thee ceremonie amsterdam
ayahuasca ervaring

Incredible music & amazing facilitators

I think the plant medicine helped to give me the courage to finally speak my truth, which I had been wrestling with for a while. I feel I’m now at the start of a new path in my life’s journey, which will be full of purpose, love and truth.

The music during the ceremonies was incredible it really helped me to let let go and assisted with the journey. The facilitators were amazing, they were there to offer support when needed and even performed reiki and body work during the sessions which really added another level to the whole experience. After the ceremonies, I found it very difficult to sleep so just rested, whether this was because I had so much on my mind or whether this was just that the medicine was still in my bloodstream, I don’t know, but the passengers and the facilitators were there for me when I really needed them. I hadn’t cried properly for around 8 years but after the final session, I couldn’t stop crying for hours. I was clearly holding a huge amount of emotion in and it felt good to finally release some of it. Whilst I went through this the facilitators were there as well as the amazing people I had taken the journey with.

Throughout the entire weekend I felt no judgement from anyone, it was such a safe place to be open and vulnerable. Everyone there had there own stories and issues to go through and we were all there for one another, I felt nothing but peace, respect, love and truth for the entire weekend. Thank you to all that were involved in the journey and who have helped me move into the person I want to become, full of life, joy, laughter, compassion and love!


January 2023  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Mia

ayahuasca trauma verwerken zelfhulp
anahuasca vs ayahuasca

Exceptional guidance

What can I say this was my third weekend ayahuasca retreat and sixth ceremony with Ronald and his team of facilitators. My life has totally changed since my first time going in July. Before I found out about ayahuasca/plant medicine I had been suffering with depression and anxiety for more than 10 year’s. After doing 6 ayahuasca ceremonies in 6 months I have been getting my life back to where I feel happy more confident and my depression and anxiety is now at the lowest I have felt in years.

The support from the staff are unbelievable they know exactly how to help you during the ceremonies when it get hard and scary and how to guide you though the ceremony when you’re struggling. My experiences have all been different some have been really difficult and hard at times but it the hardest one that has changed me the most. Everytime has been totally different I have had some really enjoyable experiences after the hard one. The Medicine will show you what it wants to or has to it can also become really confronting but also extremely pleasurable and heart warming just depends on what you want or what the medicine need to give you.

The staff are really loving caring and make you feel relaxed as soon as you arrive at the retreat in the ceremonies they keep you safe at all times when needed and guide you though your journey with exceptional guidance. This was not my first time and it certainly won’t be my last, this place and Ronald and his team have help me to get my life back to we’re if feel alive again 


December 2022  ~  Team:Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Gabriele

sattvaya ayakasha ayahuasca transpersoonlijke therapie

High level retreat & highly recommended!

Life changing and heart opening proces. What an amazing journey, just mind-blowing! I have dived very deep into my unconscious mind and I have seen some relevant knots in my life, which I have resolved with relevant relations after coming home. Also the retreat brought me close to myself and my own truth. Such a heart opening and awakening process. Highly recommended!!!

I have participated in many international quality retreats with great teachers alive these days, and Sattvaya is a high level retreat in their spiritual, psychological and shamanic approach. Sattvaya has taken every effort to create a well thought of, safe and compassionate process, with a high amount of professionality and eye for the subtlest detail for the participant’s care and wellbeing. Genuine and honest, considerate and empathetic process, with a high focus on the participants expansion and support. Even after the retreat there is care and support available. They take so much responsibility for the work they do, and this is one of the most important things in working with people.

Thank you for the life changing experience. Can’t wait to join again soon!


December 2022  ~  Team:  Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Gabriele

ayahuasca trauma ahayasca

So much love and care

I have done a lot and various forms of work over the year, but this experience brought me closest to the core, to the ultimate ever unfolding truth which is always here and now. Words really fall short to describe, as this comes prior any word. What I can share is that you all did such an amazing job, there was so much Love & Care involved in the proces. The holding and support was felt very strongly throughout the entire process. And when at times it got really challenging, a gentle hand filled with presence was there to give that needed safety and support. The music did the same! For my experience it was really perfect! The twists & turns, the gentle was all at the perfect moment, in perfect coherence with what was happening inside.

I thank you all deeply from the bottom of my heart for this precious work you do and for the care during my stay. I am forever grateful! AHO


December 2022  ~  Team:Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Gabriele

ayahuasca retreat amsterdam
plant medicine ayahuasca ceremonies guidance

Volede me gedragen, hoge kwaliteit en hemelse muziek

Mijn grote doel in mijn leven is om mezelf te ontwikkelen, zodat ik me meer en meer gelukkig kan voelen. Daarom ben ik weer op reis geweest. Om die reis te laten slagen is een hele veilige omgeving nodig. Voor mij wil dat zeggen een liefdevolle, invoelende, geduldige, integere, en oh zo vriendelijke begeleiding die werkelijk het vermogen heeft zich op allerlei levels in te kunnen leven. Al deze ingrediënten zijn bij Sattvaya aanwezig (en weet, ik stel nogal hoge eisen!!).

Ronald is ook een Meester in de muziek. Echt Hemels. Een onmisbare belangrijke bijdrage die dit geeft aan de reis. Het ter plekke weten (=invoelen) welke muziek er op welk moment nodig is. Het is niet zomaar een urenlange playlist afdraaien met wat mooie nummers. Overigens hier gebeurt niets zomaar. Alles is weloverwogen en gebeurt in grote zorgvuldigheid waarin ik mij gedragen heb gevoeld. Dit alles gaf mij de mogelijkheid om naar binnen te gaan en mij over te kunnen geven aan het alomvattende, maar ook de pijn die zich aandiende.

Eerder heb ik weleens ervaren dat het onverantwoord is om op reis te gaan, als je niet bij het juiste adres bent. Immers, het is niet zomaar wat! Het gaat om een medicijn wat je aangereikt krijgt, waar in grote precisie met zeer veel respect en volledige kennis van zaken mee omgegaan moet worden.

Het is nogal schaars, maar ik heb dus nu een adres gevonden met Hoge Kwaliteit en wat ben ik daar blij mee dat dit bestaat in Nederland!

Liefdevolle begeleiding, ik ben jullie dankbaar, en natuurlijk ook de ‘medereizigers’, wat was ik blij dat jullie erbij waren! Met veel liefde, Karin


December 2022  ~  Team:  Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Gabriele

sattvaya ayahuasca muziek ronald

Liefdevolle begeleiding, fantastische muziek en fijne verbinding

Ik kijk echt met heel veel liefde en plezier terug op dit mooie weekend. De begeleiding was liefdevol, de begeleidende (live) muziek was fantastisch en de verbondenheid met de groep was erg fijn. Ik denk dat dit er allemaal aan bij heeft gedragen dat ik twee mooie intense reizen heb mogen hebben. Het voelt alsof mentale blokkades zijn verdwenen, ik minder in mijn hoofd zit en juist meer voel. De dagen voelen hierdoor een stuk lichter, heel fijn. Wanneer ik het gevoel heb weer ayahuasca te 'moeten' drinken, dan kom ik zeker weer hier terug!


November 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Juan

sattvaya ronald ayahuasca ceremonie muziek

The facilitators are amazing, perfectly safe and supportive

I can’t speak highly enough of the ceremony and the facilitators. In the first instance, it gave me huge confidence how seriously and fully a sense of ritual was observed every time. In the second, if the set is the mental state we bring to the experience, the setting that was provided was out of this world. The lights, the colours, the energy, the arrangements, the process was all welcoming and supportive, with a great atmosphere. The energy in the room was intense – some of us were going through difficult things, but there was no fear, only love and support; and some light-hearted moments where everyone came back to the surface and reconnected with love and energy. 

The facilitators were amazing, contributing so much to the ceremony. The music ebbed and flowed, taking us on our respective journeys individually but also together – you could really feel when everyone was going deep and when everyone was coming back to the surface. I never felt any less than perfectly safe and supported at all times. How people knew exactly when to do come and give exactly what was needed at exactly the right time completely blows my mind. Juan, Mariana, Yoka, Ronald all appeared just when I needed them – even when I didn’t know I needed them. Ronald, for example, gave just the right dose on the first drink of the second drink of the second night to shift what was blocked down below … and after that, when I went into some really dark places, Costanza was there. What she pulled out of me was truly horrific, but I never felt scared or lost. I just knew it had to come out, but it didn’t want to … and she ripped it out of me as if it was a living thing – it was utterly amazing. Everyone was.

Lees Meer

And so was the group. I can’t imagine going through this experience with a better group – the energy and synergy was amazing. Everyone was supportive and there for one another, we cried together, we laughed together, we shared together. I hope I see them again. 

Just the best thing I’ve done for myself for a long, long time. I will come again. But I will add a caveat: It took a long time to get to the point where this ceremony made sense for me; but if you have done enough work on yourself previously, whether through counselling, trauma therapy, meditation, self-seeking and the like … then you’ll know when it’s right for you. Even then, you will be nervous as this is a step into the unknown – the unknown being yourself, and the parts of you you’ve carefully hidden, even from yourself. If you come openly and ready, it will be open and ready for you. But if you just rock up expecting miracles without having done the work first, however, you won’t find the answers you’re looking for or get as much from the experience.


November 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Juan

sattvaya ayahuasca facilitators yoka mariana
sattvaya ayahuasca facilitators ronald music
sattvaya ayahuasca facilitators yoka mariana ronald music

Life changing experience!!

Warme setting op een prachtige locatie, met de meest warme, niet oordelende en liefste mensen. Er was ruimte voor alle gevoelens, gedachten en zorgen. Bijzonder hoe Yoka en Mariana précies aanvoelden wat ik op dat moment nodig had, liefdevolle armen om mij heen en fluisterende woorden dat ik het aankon, en precies daardoor kon ik dit aan! Wat een mooie fijne inzichten heb ik gekregen en nu, een week later zweef ik nog een beetje door, het is heerlijk. Het heeft zo, zo, zoveel goeds voor me gedaan! Doordat ik me aan t begin van de sessies niet volledig durfde open te stellen voor het plantmedicijn voel ik heel erg sterk dat ik terug moet komen. Ik ben nog niet klaar en ik kan niet wachten weer terug te keren bij Ronald en z’n fijne team! In deze prachtig mooie boerderij met deze fijne mensen, heerlijke eten en prachtige betoverende muziek. De playlist draai ik elke dag en val er heerlijk mee in slaap met een glimlach rond m’n mond.

Thnx, you guys are the best.


Oktober 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Mathieu

sattvaya plantmedicijn ayahuasca ceremonie nederland

Tremendous job

It has been a pretty rough ride this weekend. I've been with Ronald before and his team has done a tremendous job in helping me again. Many talks in between the rituals really helped me give meaning to what I was seeing and feeling. The place in Diemen was beautifull!


Oktober 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Mathieu

sattvaya ronald ayahuasca muziek

Beautiful Experience!

I felt safe and supported by Ronald and his wonderful team in the beautiful setting, the music drove me to many different layers of my subconscious mind. Was such a beautiful experience.


Oktober 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Mathieu

ayahuasca experience

The feeling of Safety

I have a lot of good impressions after my Ayahuasca experience with you guys :) Most of alI I appreciate the feeling of safety, which you managed to create and also your loving presence during the ceremonies, group sharing and beyond that. The journey with a Plant Medicine was good, painful, surprising, great, heavy , funny... and I am grateful for all of it. During the ceremonies, whenever I needed something, one of you was there, in such a loving way, that it still touches me deeply when I think about it. Yoka's presence and support, mainly through the touch, were so essential for heeling some of my old and deep issues. Music was super important part of it and I enjoyed it a lot! I loved the way in which we communicated in our group and a support that we genuinely shared. Four weeks after the ceremony it's great to notice that part of the stress, that I was familiar with my whole life, is gone and that I'm more connected with and loving to myself than ever before.


September 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Constanza & Gabriele

No words can describe this experience!

I had an amazing time during that weekend. It was one of the best weekends for a very long period of time. All the staff was so friendly and welcoming. Also they are professional, dedicated and wise, so participants feel safe and comfortable during the ceremony and after it. All the organizational aspects were well planned and well carried out. The location and accommodation itself were very right for the event. The setting and atmosphere of the ceremony created a right inner state with warm feelings. The guidance of the facilitators during sharing sessions helped me a lot to understand the whole healing process. It’s hard to describe my Ayahuasca journey. It was truly beyond what I expected. The door was opened for a while and I could see a true myself. I saw my behavior and reactions, I asked for forgiveness from many people, I felt love and I was scared from time to time, I saw my childhood and youth. All emotions came out during the ceremony – I cried, I felt happy, lonely, empty, in love, and I experienced a freedom to be myself (I think for the first time in my life). No words can describe this experience and the power of the Medicine.

Lees Meer

It was beautiful music during the ceremonies that helped to get in a flow in my journey. Ronald perfectly read the moment and felt the group atmosphere where the other facilitators had an eye for possibly personal attention to help with whatever was needed in that moment. It was also very nice to meet other lovely participants and spend the whole weekend talking with open-mind and open-heart people. I honestly feel and observe positive changes in different aspects of my life after this experience and now I can say that it was a very right starting point for a life-changing journey. I am very grateful for the chance to participate in the ceremony and I would definitely recommend this retreat.


September 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Constanza & Gabriele

Healed on a deep level!

They all exceeded my expectation. The rituals were followed, created a space that was pure and safe. All participants were loving and determined. The healers were professional (I can't describe how much they helped me). The space was filled with unconditionally love, which largely helped my heart to open up. The music was beautiful and high quality. It's hard to discribe the role of the music. It is like a narrator of a book, inviting us to walk into an adventure. It also created ups and downs for the plot. Some songs were absolutely beautiful, while some were challenging because I knew they were leading me to some difficult parts.


Augustus 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka & Mariana

Professional Healers and Beautiful music

I felt really welcome right from the start. The place is lovely and peaceful, in a beautiful surrounding. Everybody treated each other with love and respect. My journey was difficult at times and I really struggled. However, I felt safe and guided. I learned to let go, feel and accept what is, and surrender. These are lessons that can be really helpful for me during my everyday live. Everybody was really warm and loving, and took very good care of the participants. The sharing sessions gave extra insights and really helped reflecting on everything. It is beautiful to see how a group of people that haven't met before become so close in such a short time. It is with lots of positive feelings and emotions that I look back on this weekend. I can strongly recommend Ronald and his partners, and will definitely be back one day.


Augustus 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka & Mariana


It was in 1 word fantastic! I can recommend everybody to give it a change to learn from nature. The ceremony is very loving and carefull.


Augustus 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka & Mariana

Born Again!

The sacred medicine has been calling me for some time, it takes a lot of courage to enter this journey and on my birthday 23/07/22 I decided to give myself this wonderful experience! I had Total support before during and after the whole process which was for me extremely important. Mariana who is also Brazilian like me made me feel at home Sara Ronald and Yoka became my family because the love they had for me and for everyone there was a family love and we had just met for the first time!
In relation to my journey it is difficult to explain with words, because it was very intense and I gave myself almost completely to Sacred Medicine, mother Aya took me to my birth where I had traumas due to a forced cesarean delivery on my mother and all my life I grew up as if you didn’t need anyone closed without asking for help. Sacred medicine showed me that I am not alone that I can ask for help and that I must ask, it showed me love in its most infinite purity, I witnessed the creation of the universe, I can say that I witnessed the Big Bang and when I asked to her who she was, she replied: I AM THE UNIVERSE and this was the most beautiful moment of my journey, a golden light invaded my body and I saw many stars, planets and colors of all kinds! But it also brought me memories of deep traumas in my life about my sexuality, it wasn’t easy, it hurt a lot.
Lees Meer
But today, a week later, I feel like a completely different person, that I’m getting to know myself little by little, as if I were a newborn and I have a beautiful life ahead of me. It’s up to me to continue this beautiful journey!

About the most unpleasant effects, I have had nightmares almost every night with my journey, but almost every day I have the full support of everyone from Sattvaya Team, from Yoka my Mother of soul with sweet words of love, from Mariana always willing to listen to me and send me healing meditations and help in my process, from Ronald a wise being who transmits a wonderful peace and trust, in addition to providing songs and mantras during the journey that made all the difference and I will keep them for all my life and Sara always willing to explain the whole process to us. I feel completely loved and supported by them and I really recommend everyone to experience this wonderful journey in life one day!

I was born again! Much gratitude to all of you!  



July - Team: Yoka, Ronald, Mariana & Sara

A heart opnening journey

My journey made sense after the second ceremony night as my first and second journey were to be combination of two journeys. I was a bit confused after the first journey but what I learned in the second journey made it all make sense of what I have to do in the future. I had a heart opening journey where I was taken to see my father that died almost 25 years ago. I was given directions to follow the light and he would be waiting for me he was with on my journey and showed me things in my childhood that he regrets not doing certain things it was a journey that has free my father from the spiritual dimension and has freed me from my uncertainty in my world. I finally got to say goodbye and help my father to crossover and finally be at rest.


July - Team: Yoka, Ronald, Mariana & Sara

Perfect setting, highly recommend!

Love the whole experience, the team and their support / openness to each and every one of the group members made it easy to release, also feel the location and facilities/the farmhouse, provided the perfect setting for the ceremony. Moreover the music and its presentation during the ceremony was sufficient for an experience alone, just beautiful. So very glad for having had this experience and feel there is so many elements to it. Highly recommend this retreat for anyone looking for insight / awareness / ability to feel and an authentic experience.


July - Team: Yoka, Ronald, Mariana & Sara

Feeling safe

The facilitators are extremely kind, warm and loving. They make you feel safe and will be right with you if you need them. The sharing circles definitely help with processing your experience. Since the groups are small (7 people during my ceremony), it’s very easy to open up, connect and feel close.


April 2022  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Howard & Constanza

Safe and welcoming setting & amazing music.

I am very grateful for the journeys I was able to take on during the weekend. The setting was so welcoming and it felt so safe I had no problems with getting the full connection with the Plant Medicine. Every little detail was at the right place and moment. The energy of the Team was so good and comfortable and the music was just amazing.

All together it lead me through a beautiful connection with Mother Nature, the energies of myself and the surroundings and enabled me to dive deeper into myself. It was unique experience and I hope many more people will have an opportunity to undertake such a journey with so beautiful people!


mei 2022 ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Sara

Safe and loving setting…a magical experience

I could have never expected a better setting, so safe and loving. Surrendering was possible thanks to all the help that I received which I’m eternally grateful for. The music was magical, the vibe, the singing and dancing, the sharing circles – all had a massive. positive impact on my experience. And I managed to let go, be vulnerable and find joy and peace with this state of being. Magical experience.


mei 2022 ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Sara

sattvaya ayahuasca experience setting

Magnificent Team

I loved that I have found answers to this life, receiving angelic messages of numbers & events, I have traveled to different locations in our spirit with different forms. It was what & who I truly was inside, questioning myself and eventually finding the obvious answers that never made sense in those past moments. I have earned more compassion and gratitude towards the life that I took form now and the people who I came across with. It was so beautiful that no words are easy to describe the physical and mental goodness I have lived in my trip.

The food was so delicious, my taste buds are so improved after this 2 days. Oh the music,,, the musical instruments played, were all elevating, without it, I am not sure how this journey would have been.

The team magnificent, I was in terrifying situations feeling like I’m having near deaths experiences, but all I remember blurring Sara, Mariana & Yoka were there for me, my living angels, were sitting next to me, without any judgments, with Ronald afar guiding them.

Thank you so so so much, it was so magical & I have so much love in me, for life and every thing around the world, no money can gift a soul this perfect life journey. Thank you Pachamama & Sattvaya people for everything, you are forever etched in my soul & cherished for this awesome connection.


mei 2022  ~  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Sara

Beautiful Experience!

More then anything, it was a very strong feeling of healing during the weekend, although I wasn’t aware that any healing was needed


april 2022Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Howard

sattvaya ayahuasca weekend experience nederland

Deep inspiration, gratitude and love

I have had a great experience at the full moon weekend with deep inner shifts and realisations bringing together all the deep work I’ve been doing in my life these last 2 years all coming to a beautiful closing in my inner journey’s with messages of deep inspiration, gratitude and love. I deeply appreciated the loving care we received from the facilitators of the group and Ronald’s wisdom, skill and reverence for the sacredness of the plant spirits, creating a safe container where magic can happen. The music was also perfect and very inspiring in my inner journey, I will keep it in my heart forever helping me to come back to all these positive uplifting energies I experienced in this weekend :) THank you once again for creating this beautiful ceremony :)


april 2022  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Howard

Relaxing & caring support

Everyone was relaxing, open and supportive. I didn’t need to think about others and fully relied on all of your caring support.


april 2022  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Howard

Fantastic support & mindblowing music!

It was a very welcoming atmosphere which made it easier for me to surrender myself to what was coming. I enjoyed the fantastic support before, during an after the ceremonies. The played music during the rituals was mindblowing. It helped me reach places so much better. Thank you for everything!


april 2022  ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Howard

Guidance beyond expectations!

Music is a very important part of my life and therefore I was looking for a ceremony with well considered musical guidance. The ceremonial and spiritual guidance and the live music were really out of this world, Ronald is a true artist.

Beforehand I was wondering if a whole weekend wouldn’t be too much, but the opposite appeared to be the case, the duration was perfect! The guidance was well beyond all expectations, I was in need for some extra attention and the whole team was there for me, for that I am very grateful. You will definitely see me back.

Thanks for everything :)


maart 2022 –  Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana, Constanza & Howard

Perfect safe space & kindest persons. Will come back!

No words can describe the experience and the power this plant medicine and no words can describe the perfect setting created by Ronald and his team throughout the entire weekend. I was completely struck by the devotion of the facilitators to create the perfect safe space and elevate the power of the plant medicine to an even higher level. As a true musician Ronald perfectly reads the moment and senses the group atmosphere where the other facilitators have a clear eye for possibly needed personal attention to help with whatever is needed in the moment, even if you don’t know it yourself.

During this weekend I realised the importance of a multiple day retreat, being with a small groups and sharing the experiences in several integration sessions. The guidance of the facilitators during the integration sessions helped me a lot to put some things into the right perspective.

Ronald, Yoka, Sara and Mariana, you are among the kindest I’ve ever met in my 41 years of life. Thanks a lot! I will come back!


maart 2022 ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Sara

Hoogste graad van professionalisme!

Ten eerste- de organisatoren waren echt de sleutel tot mijn persoonlijke reis. Ten tweede maakte de persoonlijke sharings en de sharing circles tussen de deelnemers de reis gelijkwaardig en eerlijk. Tenslotte vond ik het geweldig dat de volgende te zetten stappen of toekomstige ervaringen aan de deelnemers werden overgelaten om over na te denken. De hele retreat is georganiseerd in de hoogste graad van professionalisme en respect voor het heilige ritueel. Ik zou deze retraite aanbevelen aan vrienden, ik ben dankbaar dat er een intake vooraf was en een nazorg, in de vorm van de sharing circles, was die betekende dat alle deelnemers de steun en aandacht kregen die ze nodig hadden.


maart 2022 ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Sara

Een vorm van gelukzaligheid…liefde creëert liefde

De begeleiding was absoluut geweldig, ik voelde me zo veilig, en de muziek, waoooo, gewoon perfect, het hielp me echt om me over te geven en in een flow te komen.

Over de Heilige Planten reis, het is moeilijk om het in woorden uit te drukken. Het ging verder dan ik had verwacht. Ik beschouwde mezelf altijd als zeer rationeel en losgekoppeld van mijn ware emoties. Ze hielp me de deur te openen naar mijn kwetsbaarheid. Ik ben onlangs verliefd geworden (ik denk voor de eerste keer in mijn leven) en tijdens de reis heb ik deze ware emotie toegelaten en dit verpulverde de muur die ik had gebouwd rond alle andere gevoelens die ik als kind verborgen hield. Alle emoties kwamen naar buiten tijdens de ceremonie, en ik huilde, het was rauw, een oer gevoel en het deed me pijn. Maar het was ook zo mooi! En ik voelde zoveel liefde van de andere deelnemers en de begeleiders, hun liefde bracht me terug.

Ik heb me daarna nog nooit zo goed gevoeld. Ik kan het alleen maar omschrijven als een vorm van gelukzaligheid. Nu begrijp ik meer wie ik ben. Het toelaten van de liefde hielp het Plant Medicijn om een weg te vinden naar mijn ware wezen, wat voorbij mijn verschillende façades is die ik heb geconstrueerd om te overleven, mijn innerlijke kind, dat wat niet ouder wordt, dat wat, als ik mijn ogen sluit, werkelijk niets is, alleen pure energie. Het heeft me veranderd, het heeft me kracht gegeven. Ze leerde me mijn ogen te openen en alles te zien. En ja, dat is liefde. Liefde creëert liefde. En ze verandert me nog steeds. Ze verandert me. Ik voel me nu zo levend, ik ben niet alleen maar verbonden. Zo dankbaar.


maart 2022 ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Sara

Volledige reset van mijn leven

De ervaring was diepgaand en liet me gebieden zien waar ik aan moet werken. Ik heb het gevoel dat het mijn leven en de manier waarop ik dingen doe volledig heeft gereset. Dingen die ik niet kon zien, liet Sacred Plants me zien en het hielp echt. Ik voelde een hoop weerstand in het leven die Sacred Plants oploste. Ik had ook het gevoel dat Sacred Plants hielp om een hoop trauma te verwijderen. Na de ceremonie had ik een miljoen dingen om te implementeren, omdat ik het gevoel had dat ik kon zien wat mijn problemen waren en sommige waarvan ik dacht dat ze onmogelijk op te lossen waren, had ik het gevoel dat het makkelijk was om een oplossing te zien.  Nu kijk ik ernaar uit om te beginnen met het implementeren van de veranderingen die ik me heb voorgenomen om te implementeren.

Heel erg bedankt voor deze fantastische ervaring. De setting, sfeer en de steun van de begeleiders was ongelooflijk. Ik voelde me erg veilig en zal zeker terugkomen.


maart 2022 ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Sara


Ik omhelsde mijn ouders voorheen niet en zei niet vaak dat ik van ze hield.
Maar nu ben ik in staat om ze allebei te omhelzen en ze meer liefde te tonen


maart 2022 ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Sara

Het beste wat me ooit is overkomen!

Ik overdrijf absoluut niet als ik zeg dat naar deze retraite gaan het beste was wat me ooit is overkomen! De muziek en de steun van de begeleiders was veel meer dan ik ooit had kunnen dromen en maakte het voor mij relatief gemakkelijk om me over te geven. Ik probeer aan iets negatiefs te denken, maar ik kan het gewoon niet! 10/10.


maart 2022 ~ Team: Ronald, Yoka, Mariana & Sara

Veilige en comfortablele setting, geweldige inzichten!

Prachtige manier om je eigen beschermingsmechanismen en cheats over te slaan en direct naar de kern te gaan van wat er aan de hand is, zonder dat het een quick fix is. Sacred Plants geeft me geweldige inzichten in complexe onderwerpen en Ronald en zijn team bieden een veilige en comfortabele omgeving om dit te onderzoeken. Ik kom terug :)


januari 2022 ~Team: Ronald, Yoka, Sara, Howard & Mathieu

Fundamenten voor effectief werken met Plantmedicijnen


Een goede voorbereiding is een must. Je inlezen in de materie en zowel op fysiek en mentaal niveau goed voorbereiden zal van invloed zijn op het verloop van je reis.

Veilige Setting

Het is belangrijk dat je de reis maakt op een plek die voor jou veilig voelt en met kundige en ervaren begeleiders, die jou kunnen helpen navigeren en  ondersteunen indien nodig.


Na de reis begint het echte werk pas. Het goed gronden en integreren van je ervaringen en de verkregen inzichten is misschien wel het belangrijkste onderdeel in het werk met de panten.

Wil je op de hoogte blijven?

Meld je dan aan voor onze nieuwsbrief of volg ons via sociale media. Zo blijf je op de hoogte van onze activiteiten.