Sattvaya Team

Facilitator/guider – Integrative Somatic Therapist – Breathwork & Trauma-release practioner
Wijs - Lief - Warm
Hello beautiful soul, it’s great connecting with you here! <3
I am Yoka, one of the facilitators in our loving and uniquely skilled expert team, and also happy life companion of Ronald.
Nowadays fully embracing my gift of intuition, compassion and spiritual connection, I love to support people on their personal healing journey.
During a plant medicine retreat it is my personal mission to make people feel safe, seen, loved and cared for. I am there to help you get through any kind of mental, emotional or physical discomfort throughout your journey. I am here to empower you by connecting you in a gentle way to your inner strength and light within. Or just sit with you, holding your hand, or stroking your hear, whispering encouraging and wise words. Just as happily, I join you in celebrating the love and light you are likely to experience. So no matter what emerges in the process, I am holding space for your whole(some) experience while being fully present. You might also meet me outside the ceremony, for example in the process of pre-assessment and/or in the days after the ceremony if you need some more and professional help with processing and integrating your experiences.
Besides facilitating people’s healing processes during our plant medicine retreats, I also love to support people in their personal journey outside the ceremonies. In my daily practice as a somatic therapist I do this by integrating the body into the therapeutic process, as the body is the most powerful resource for gaining deep self-knowledge and healing. With combining intuitive touch and verbal communication, I help my clients access their innate somatic wisdom in order to let go of old undesirable patterns that are manifested in their bodies, emotions and thoughts. Every body, tells an unique story, and by paying close attention to that narrative in forms of memories, emotions and beliefs that go beyond words and cognition, a person is much better able to respond differently in the present, thereby expanding their future possibilities and overall lust for life hugely.
Feeling very grateful for being able to live out my passion or purpose with empowering others in their personal healing journey, this did not happen overnight or suddenly. This life is what I actively created, and still pursuing by seeing, learning and doing Step by step, and during my own extensive personal healing journey that started with a severe personal crisis and illness. It was in this period of time that I had my first encounter with the Mother of Plant Medicines, and till today I am still very thankful for acting upon this inner call as it turned out to be a very important factor in my journey to healing and coming home in myself.
Today I am inviting you into our sacred ceremony to start or expand your own healing journey to deep self-knowledge, compassion and (self)love.

Dj & Muzikant - Sound Healer - Facilitator - Proces therapeut
Gegrond - Sensitief - Wijs
Hoi ik ben Ronald en fijn jou hier te ontmoeten 😊
Na jaren aan mijn eigen persoonlijke proces te hebben gewerkt met behulp van verschillende instrumenten, disciplines (oa Raja en Kundalini Yoga), en verschillende Plant Medicijnen voelde ik mij geroepen de opgedane kennis en mijn (levens)ervaringen met anderen te delen. Daarnaast heb ik de opleiding tot proces therapeut gevolgd. Het is een eer mensen bijgestaan in hun persoonlijk proces van heling, groei en transformatie. Telkens weer verwonder ik mij over de wonderbaarlijke helende en reinigende werking van de heilige planten, en de lessen die ze ons leren, en muziek.
In de loop der tijd ben ik mij gaan specialiseren in het creëren van een optimale veilige en warme setting, welke in mijn ervaring essentieel is voor een goed verloop van een ceremonie. Deelnemers dienen zich namelijk veilig, gezien en gehoord te voelen. Om op deze manier in ontspanning en overgave de reis in en aan te gaan. Een van de belangrijkste instrumenten die ik tijdens de reis gebruik is: muziek. Muziek is een prachtig begeleidend instrument en mijn muziek keuze probeer ik zoveel mogelijk af te stemmen op de processen van de deelnemers. Mijn 35 jarige ervaring als dj en muzikant komt daar goed van pas.
Het zou mij een grote eer zijn jou te kunnen verwelkomen en bij te staan in jouw proces van heling en transformatie. Met liefde en respect zal ik je met de rest van mijn team zo goed mogelijk begeleiden tijdens jouw een van onze ceremonies en workshops. Op deze manier hoop ik dat we jou wat richting en een positieve bijdrage aan jouw leven kunnen geven ❤️

Facilitator - Danseres - Reiki Master
My first contact with the Mama vine was in 2006 when I joined a Santo Daime ceremony in the jungle of Northwest Brazil, where I come from. I immediately felt a strong connection with the divine power of these sacred plants. Powerful teachers that help us reconnect with our source and true essence. I knew then in my heart that we would meet again.
In 2015 I felt her calling me as I was going through a spiritual awakening and was feeling very depressed.
I will never be able to put into words what Mama Plant Medicine has shown me and taught me ever since. Although I always felt that my life would be a life of service, Mother Plant Medicine made that very clear to me and helped me immensely on my self-healing and self-development journey. I have so much respect and love for the spirits of these sacred plants that it's a privilege to be part of the healing, and transformation of all the brave souls that take this step.
I'm also very happy to be part of this incredibly gifted team and wonderful mission. I love My Plant Medicine- family! :)
Next to being a guide and facilitator for Ronald, I have been practicing Reiki since my teens, and am now a Reiki Master. I'm also an advanced Theta Healer and worked for many years as a social worker in elderly health care. As for dancing, it has always been with me and always will be, I'm a natural-born dancer. If you would like to know more about my healing sessions or want to stay in touch for guidance, feel free to contact me.
For me, it's an honor to help and guide people on their transformational journey.

Facilitator - Breathworker - DJ
Hi, I am Mia! I am French-Canadian, and a sustainability focused professional with a rich and passionate ‘sideline’ in music, self-development and spirituality. I first experienced plant medicine through truffels, in 2002, and felt a warm connection to this life-carrying ‘drug’. Through my work and my passions, I have been strongly connected to Pachamama, food, energy and the strive for balance in this world.
My connection with the mother of Plant Medicine started after moving to the Netherlands in 2016. I also had an interesting experience in Colombia. After two friends asked me in 2019 to introduce them to plant medicines, I trained with the Sacred Voyage in a powerful 9 day immersing training in Portugal. Thanks to dieting and a combination of heart opening techniques, including breathwork, I was able to go further, deeper, and really bathe in my own grace and connect to the energies, guides and souls around me. This feeling did not leave me so quickly, but it also did not come back to me with such completeness until I experienced a weekend with Sattvaya in 2022; it was like being cradled back to my own power and grace in a perfectly balanced and supported way. It was an easy ‘yes’ to join their guiding team.
I have also trained in different energetic techniques, such as breathwork, prana healing and reiki, that help support the guiding work. I have done therapy and constellation work for myself. I identify as highly sensitive and an empath, which helps to connect and hold space.

Facilitator - Musician - Singer
Greetings Soul Family, my name is Arief.
I am part of our team during your weekend journey with us. What i am today is through experiencing life as it comes and making choices along the way in what my soul craves for. what i love to do is all that makes me happy inside out. Basicly what that means to me is being playful, tasting life, expressing my self, talking about my feelings, making music, singing and dancing. Im not holding back anymore, without judgement and being honest to myself i found myself and my soultribe.
Together we will create more love, unity, compassion and understanding. i Am through your eyes, through your eyes i became that what i Am.
Another you 1 ❤️

Begeleider - Zanger - Breathworker
Hi! So good that you’re here. My name is Noud.
I’m an entrepreneurial spirit from Amsterdam, who loves being in service. I focus on breathwork, guiding Plant Medicine, grief ceremonies, music and writing spoken word.
The key to diving deeper together is safety and the knowledge that all is welcome. Every emotion, every trauma, every challenge will be met with compassion and empathy. The Plant Medicine can open doors that to some might otherwise remain closed forever. To me, it is an honour and a privilige to be there by your side, as a guardian of your process.
With my calm and comforting voice, spoken or through singing, I support letting you sink deeper into a profound experience.
I hope to meet you soon!
In Lak’ Ech Ala K’In

Facilitator - Breathworker
Hallo! Ik ben een van de begeleiders in het team. Mijn passie is om anderen te helpen groeien op hun spirituele pad. Door mensen in contact te brengen met hun lichaam probeer ik praktijken aan te reiken die hen in staat stellen hun eigen waarheid te vinden en hun plantgeneeskundige ervaringen te ondersteunen.
Ik begon mijn pad in lichaamswerk 9 jaar geleden in Mexico, waar ik een gemeenschap vond die ceremonies en workshops gaf. Deze plek was het begin van mijn transformerende reis met de hulp van plantengeneesmiddelen en verschillende praktijken van lichaamswerk.
Door mijn eigen persoonlijke ontwikkeling vond ik de passie om een leraar te zijn en te delen wat ik onderweg had geleerd. Toen besloot ik om zowel in India als in Nederland lerarenopleidingen te volgen in Ashtanga, Hatha, Pranayama, Yin, Ademwerk en Meditatie. Sindsdien werk ik als yoga en ademwerk docent en heb ik mijn eigen praktijk waar ik workshops en één op één sessies geef
Tegenwoordig blijf ik me ontwikkelen en nieuwe elementen toevoegen met andere technieken zoals Shiatsu, Dans en Embodiment praktijken. En ik studeer een Master in Bioneuroemotion, om de kennis van het lichaam te ondersteunen met Biologie, Psychologie en Neurologie voor een meer afgeronde praktijk en om verder in de reis te ondersteunen.

Facilitator - Muzikant
Juan is originally from Venezuela, but has spent many years living in the UK and India. He is currently living in Tenerife, Spain.
Juan has studied music since childhood, and music production in University. He began interested in psychedelics and the strong influence it has in music and consciousness from an early age. He has spent years in India practicing meditation and yoga in various ashrams. He also studied Bansuri flute with the legendary Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia.
He has been dedicated to facilitating live music for meditation and psychedelic ceremonies for many years, mostly for the Plant Medicine tradition of Colombian Shamans.
Juan is very passionate about the transformative power of psychedelics and what they can bring to humanity, and how they can help us heal our connection to nature and our spiritual growth.
Check here his music!